Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes Addons Snap

To build the cdk-addons snap, run make here and check for the results in the current directory.

$ make

$ ls *.snap

By default, the latest stable version of Kubernetes is queried. To override this, set the KUBE_VERSION variable. The dashboard included by default is v1.6.3 and you can override this via the KUBE_DASHBOARD_VERSION variable when calling make:


Make sure to include the v prefix when overriding versions.

The amd64 architecture is built by default. To select a different architecture, set the KUBE_ARCH variable when calling make:

$ make KUBE_ARCH=arm64

To build inside a docker container, use:

$ make docker

and similarly:

$ make KUBE_VERSION=v1.6.1 KUBE_ARCH=ppc64le docker