
Simple Repository to create a VM with Vagrant and Virtualbox on your PC

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

HOWTO Configure Development Environment

Requirements to install before the next instructions

Istructions for Linux

  1. Retrieve GIT Repository:
    • sudo apt install git
    • cd /opt/ ; git clone https://github.com/malavolti/vagrant4ansible
  2. Move on the "vagrant4ansible" directory extracted.
    • cd /opt/vagrant4ansible
  3. Install the Guest Additions with "vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest"
  4. Install the Vagrant plugin to resize hard disk (10GB): "vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize"
  5. Run "vagrant up" command to instance the Development Environment.
  6. Change your own "/etc/hosts" (Linux) and add these 2 lines for the Development Environment:  idp.example.org  sp.example.org
  7. Now you are able to access to the Development Environment Server "idp.example.org" ( or "sp.example.org" ( with "vagrant ssh" and it will possible to see your Apache2 sites directly from your preferred Browser Internet (Chrome, FireFox, Opera, ...)

Istructions for Windows

  1. Download the Repository from: https://github.com/malavolti/vagrant4ansible/archive/master.zip
  2. Extract the ZIP file on your computer as "vagrant4ansible".
  3. Run "cmd" command (Windows) as Administrator and move on the "vagrant4ansible" directory extracted.
  4. Install the Guest Additions with "vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest"
  5. Install the Vagrant plugin to resize hard disk (10GB): "vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize"
  6. Run "vagrant up" command to instance the Development Environment.
  7. Change your hosts file on "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" (Windows) and add these 2 lines the Development Environment:  idp.example.org  sp.example.org
  8. Now you are able to access to the Development Environment Server "idp.example.org" ( or "sp.example.org" ( and it will possible to see your Apache2 sites directly from your preferred Browser Internet (Chrome, FireFox, Opera, ...)

Useful Commands (to use inside 'vagrant4ansible' dir)

  1. To shutdown the Development Environment use "vagrant halt" within the "cmd" prompt (Windows) or terminal (Linux/OSX)

  2. To reload the Development Environment use "vagrant reload" within the "cmd" prompt (Windows) or terminal (Linux/OSX)

  3. To destroy the Development Environment use "vagrant destroy" within the "cmd" prompt (Windows) or terminal (Linux/OSX)

  4. To use the Development Environment use "vagrant ssh" (to connect into the VM) and "sudo su" (to obtain ROOT access) within the "cmd" prompt (Windows) or terminal (Linux/OSX)