
Neural Network Acceleration using CPU/GPU, ASIC, FPGA

Neural Network Acceleration Study Season #2

This is a repository of the study "neural network acceleration". The goal of this study is to understand the acceleration of nerual networks on various devices. The topic of acceleration includes CPU, GPU, NPU, ASIC, FPGA, and NDP. Our materials are open to this github and youtube. This study is supported by Facebook community, "AI Robitcs Korea".

CPU/GPU, NPU, and distributed computing

  • Fast acceleration of inference/training on general processor (CPU/GPU)
  • Distributed computing for large training system
  • Heterogeneous system architecture (HSA) device


  • Low-power inference acceleration using RTL/HLS design
  • High computing performance interfence/training accelerator

Near-data Processing (NDP)

  • Data processing unit for neural network acceleration (w/o HBM based accelerator)

Paper List (21)

CPU/GPU/NPU based Acceleration (14)

1. Capuchin: Tensor-based GPU Memory Management for Deep Learning, ASLPOS, 2020
2. Parallax: Sparsity-aware Data Parallel Training of Deep Neural Networks, EuroSys, 2019
3. GPipe: Efficient Training of Giant Neural Networks using Pipeline Parallelism, NIPS, 2019
4. DeepRebirth: Accelerating Deep Neural Network Execution on Mobile Devices, AAAI, 2018
5. OC-DNN: Exploiting Advanced Unified Memory Capabilities in CUDA 9 and Volta GPUs for Out-of-Core DNN Training, HiPC, 2018
6. Acorns: A Framework for Accelerating Deep Neural Networks with Input Sparsity, PACT, 2019
7. Edge AI: On-Demand Accelerating Deep Neural Network Inference via Edge Computing, IEEE TWC, 2019
8. Balanced Sparsity for Efficient DNN Inference on GPU, AAAI, 2019
9. DWM: A Decomposable Winograd Method for Convolution Acceleration, AAAI, 2020
10. Split-CNN: Splitting Window-based Operations in Convolutional Neural Networks for Memory System Optimization, ASLOPS, 2020
11. PatDNN: Achieving Real-Time DNN Execution on Mobile Devices with Pattern-based Weight Pruning, ASLOPS, 2020
12. FlexTensor: An Automatic Schedule Exploration and Optimization Framework for Tensor Computation on Heterogeneous System, ASLOPS, 2020
13. Neural Network Inference on Mobile SoC, arXiv, 2020
14. Learning to infer: RL-based search for DNN primitive selection on Heterogeneous Embedded Systems, DATE, 2019

Dedicated neural network accelerator (5)

1. Caffeine: Toward Uniformed Representation and Acceleration for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, IEEE TCAD, 2019
2. MnnFast: a fast and scalable system architecture for memory-augmented neural networks, ISCA, 2019
3. GANAX: A unified mimd-simd acceleration for generative adversarial networks, ISCA, 2018
4. Deep Learning Acceleration with Neuron-to-Memory Transformation, HPCA, 2018
5. FA3C: FPGA-Accelerated Deep Reinforcement Learning, ASPLOS, 2019.

NDP (1)

1. TensorDIMM: A Practical Near-Memory Processing Architecture for Embeddings and Tensor Operations in Deep Learning, MICRO, 2019

Benchmark (1)

1. MLPerf: An Industry Standard Benchmark Suite for Machine Learning Performance, MICRO, 2020

Presentation with Video

Week1: Introduction (April 14, 2020)

GPipe: Efficient Training of Giant Neural Networks using Pipeline Parallelism

Presenter: Constant Park (http://esoc.hanyang.ac.kr/people/sangsoo_park/index.html)  
PPT: https://github.com/ConstantPark/Neural-Network-Acceleration-2/blob/master/GPipe_Easy%20Scaling%20with%20Micro%20Batch%20Pipeline%20Parallelism.pdf
Video: https://youtu.be/jIW4zoF0pOo

Week2: Neural Network Acceleration on SoC and (April 28, 2020)

Neural Network Inference on Mobile SoC

Presenter: 전지예 (jyeah05@gmail.com)  
PPT: https://github.com/ConstantPark/Neural-Network-Acceleration-2/blob/master/Neural_Network_Inference_on_Mobile_SoCs.pdf
Video: https://youtu.be/bMhVA0hjx64

Capuchin: Tensor-based GPU Memory Management for Deep Learning

Presenter: 문정우 (jwmjw9009@naver.com)  
PPT: https://github.com/ConstantPark/Neural-Network-Acceleration-2/blob/master/Capuchin%20Tensor-based%20GPU%20Memory%20Management%20for%20Deep%20Learning.pdf 
Video: https://youtu.be/Cxm7wNoT3gw

Week3: Neural Network Acceleration and Benchmark (May 12, 2020)

Acorns: A Framework for Accelerating Deep Neural Networks with Input Sparsity

Presenter: 이원혁 (louislee111@naver.com)
PPT: https://github.com/ConstantPark/Neural-Network-Acceleration-2/blob/master/Acorns_%20A%20Framework%20for%20Accelerating%20Deep%20Neural%20Networks%20with%20Input%20Sparsity.pdf
Video: https://youtu.be/fKYkHxiz1zk

MLPerf: An Industry Standard Benchmark Suite for Machine Learning Performance

Presenter: 이제민 (leejaymin@cnu.ac.kr)   
PPT: https://github.com/ConstantPark/Neural-Network-Acceleration-2/blob/master/MLPerf_An%20Industry%20Standard%20Benchmark%20Suite%20for%20Machine%20Learning%20Performance.pdf
Video: https://youtu.be/JU0gCTFe3Bg

Week4: Neural Network Acceleration (May 26, 2020)

MnnFast: a fast and scalable system architecture for memory-augmented neural networks

Presenter: 이재윤 (v2fds@naver.com)
PPT: https://github.com/ConstantPark/Neural-Network-Acceleration-2/blob/master/MnnFast_A%20fast%20and%20scalable%20system%20architecture%20for%20memory-augmented%20neural%20networks.pdf
Video: https://youtu.be/kLyoEFvZBu8

Split-CNN: Splitting Window-based Operations in Convolutional Neural Networks for Memory System Optimization

Presenter: 임현택 (loo3944@naver.com)
PPT: https://github.com/ConstantPark/Neural-Network-Acceleration-2/blob/master/Split-CNN_Splitting%20Window-based%20Operations%20in%20Convolutional%20Neural%20Networks%20for%20Memory%20System%20Optimization.pdf
Video: https://youtu.be/deN3ZpwDp3g

Week5: Neural Network Acceleration (June 09, 2020)

FlexTensor: An Automatic Schedule Exploration and Optimization Framework for Tensor Computation on Heterogeneous System

Presenter: 김석중 
PPT: https://github.com/ConstantPark/Neural-Network-Acceleration-2/blob/master/FlexTensor%20An%20Automatic%20Schedule%20Exploration%20and%20Optimization%20Framework%20for%20Tensor%20Computation%20on%20Heterogeneous%20System.pdf
Video: https://youtu.be/5VCwW5doX04

PatDNN: Achieving Real-Time DNN Execution on Mobile Devices with Pattern-based Weight Pruning

Presenter: 김다운
PPT: https://github.com/ConstantPark/Neural-Network-Acceleration-2/blob/master/PatDNN_Achieving_Real_Time_DNN_Execution_on_Mobile_Devices_with_Pattern_based_Weight_Pruning.pdf
Video: https://youtu.be/8cN4PE3ME-M

Week6: Neural Network Acceleration (July 23, 2020)

DeepRebirth: Accelerating Deep Neural Network Execution on Mobile Devices

Presenter: 김영은
PPT: https://github.com/ConstantPark/Neural-Network-Acceleration-2/blob/master/DeepRebirth_%20Accelerating%20Deep%20Neural%20Network%20Execution%20on%20Mobile%20Devices.pdf
Video: https://youtu.be/ARBUx-ZO0-w

Edge AI: On-Demand Accelerating Deep Neural Network Inference via Edge Computing

Presenter: 김용우
PPT: https://github.com/ConstantPark/Neural-Network-Acceleration-2/blob/master/EdgeAI_On-Demand_Accelerating_Deep_Neural_Network_Inference_via_Edge_Computing.pdf
Video: https://youtu.be/zzD31fq9-Tk

Week7: Neural Network Acceleration (July 21, 2020)

Deep Learning Acceleration with Neuron-to-Memory Transformation

Presenter: 김영범 
PPT: -
Video: https://youtu.be/jRBawb4yfAQ

Balanced Sparsity for Efficient DNN Inference on GPU

Presenter: 박준상
PPT: https://github.com/ConstantPark/Neural-Network-Acceleration-2/blob/master/Balanced%20Sparsity%20for%20Efficient%20DNN%20Inference%20on%20GPU.pdf 
Video: https://youtu.be/jFIjpYN2gK4

Week8: Neural Network Acceleration (Aug 04, 2020)

DWM: A Decomposable Winograd Method for Convolution Acceleration

Presenter: 이상헌 
PPT: https://github.com/ConstantPark/Neural-Network-Acceleration-2/blob/master/DWM_A_Decomposable_Winograd_Method_for_Convolution_Acceleration.pdf
Video: https://youtu.be/eWbzfTrxelE


Main Contributor: Constant Park (sonicstage12@naver.com), 이원혁 (louislee111@naver.com), 이재윤 (v2fds@naver.com), Hyuntak Lim (loo3944@naver.com), Yongwoo Kim (yongwoo.kim@smu.ac.kr), Jemin Lee (leejaymin@etri.re.kr), 전지예 (jyeah05@gmail.com)

Presenters: Constant Park (sonicstage12@naver.com), 이원혁 (louislee111@naver.com), 이재윤 (v2fds@naver.com), Hyuntak Lim (loo3944@naver.com), Yongwoo Kim (yongwoo.kim@smu.ac.kr), Jemin Lee (leejaymin@etri.re.kr), 문정우 (jwmjw9009@naver.com), 전지예 (jyeah05@gmail.com)