This project aims to introduce the use of Cassandra and display a Cassandra use case.
This project assumes Scala 2.11.X and Cassandra 3.11. We currently do not support other versions even though they might work.
We recommend to install the newest version of Scala 2.11.X. After that install IntelliJ IDEA - CE with the Scala plugin. Lastly use IntelliJ to import this project via its Github URL.
This project is a Maven project. Please import all requirements via its pom.xml.
You will also need to have Cassandra running locally.
For that install Cassandra 3.11 via its binaries or via a package manager (e.g. brew install cassandra
on Mac).
Start Cassandra with cassandra -f
You can check for a working Cassandra instance by connecting to Cassandra using cqlsh
You will need to start two programs: LogProducer for producing fake logs and StreamingJob to process them.
The most important source code files are listed in the following tables:
+-- scala/ Entry point
| +-- config/ Global project configurations
| +-- domain/ Some types for table
| +-- domainTypes/ Various project types
| +-- log/
| +-- LogProducer.scala Generates a range of fake logs and stores them
| +-- query/
| +-- QueryJob.scala Executes some "statstical" queries
| +-- streaming/
| +-- StreamingJob.scala Reads the file streams to query job/cassandra
| +-- utils/ Helpers for managing Spark/Cassandra
The projects architecture/application overview is presented below:
This project assumes a running cassandra instance under localhost and available under the port 9042. If this is not the case please update the projects settings. This project is going to setup all necessary tables itself.
The application creates its tables automatically. The tables created are created for the use case presented below:
This results in the following table schema:
Spark is run by this program per default on all available threads.