Useful stuff for when you can't use StackOverflow
- VHDL code is case insensitive, but constrants given in a .xcd file are case sensistive
- You cannot have 'dynamic' code outside of a process after the begin statement in an architecture
- Essentially, stuff like
, orwhile
statements cannot be used outside of a process. Outsde of a process, inside the architecture, after the begin statement, you can only port variables or values to other vaiables - Example:
architecture beh of whatever is begin if condition then -- do something end if; -- illegal z <= temp; -- legal end beh;
- Essentially, stuff like
- Highest precedence first
- left to right within same precedence group
- use parenthesis to control order
- Unary operators take an operand on the right
- "result same" means the result is the same as the right operand
- Binary operators take an operand on the left and right
- "result same" means the result is the same as the left operand
Operator | Description | Example | Return Type |
** | exponentiation | numeric ** integer | result numeric |
abs | absolute value | abs numeric | result numeric |
not | complement | not logic or boolean | result same |
* | multiplication | numeric * numeric | result numeric |
/ | division | numeric / numeric | result numeric |
mod | modulo | integer mod integer | result integer |
rem | remainder | integer rem integer | result integer |
+ | unary plus | + numeric | result numeric |
- | unary minus | - numeric | result numeric |
+ | addition | numeric + numeric | result numeric |
- | subtraction | numeric - numeric | result numeric |
& | concatenation | array or element & array or element | result array |
sll | shift left logical | logical array sll integer | result same |
srl | shift right logical | logical array srl integer | result same |
sla | shift left arithmetic | logical array sla integer | result same |
sra | shift right arithmetic | logical array sra integer | result same |
rol | rotate left | logical array rol integer | result same |
ror | rotate right | logical array ror integer | result same |
= | test for equality | result is boolean | |
/= | test for inequality | result is boolean | |
< | test for less than | result is boolean | |
<= | test for less than or equal | result is boolean | |
> | test for greater than | result is boolean | |
>= | test for greater than or equal | result is boolean | |
and | logical and | logical array or boolean | result is same |
or | logical or | logical array or boolean | result is same |
nand | logical complement of and | logical array or boolean | result is same |
nor | logical complement of or | logical array or boolean | result is same |
xor | logical exclusive or | logical array or boolean | result is same |
xnor | logical complement of exclusive or | logical array or boolean | result is same |
function function_name (parameter_list) return type is
sequential statements
end function_name;
-- Example
architecture FUNCTIONS of PAR is
function PARITY (X : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic is
variable TMP : std_ulogic := '0';
for J in X'range loop
TMP := TMP xor X(J);
end loop; -- works for any size X
return TMP;
TYPE my_type IS (reset, idle, rw_cycle, int_cycle);
SIGNAL state : my_state;
-- or
Signal state : my_state := idel;
variable len: integer;
signal arr: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1010";
len := arr'length; -- 10
use ieee.numeric_std.all; -- required
signal src_vec: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0101";
signal dest_vec: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
variable src_int: integer;
-- std_logic_vector to int
src_int := to_integer(unsigned(src_vec)); -- unsigned can be replaced with signed
-- int to std_logic_vector
dest_vec <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(src_int, dest_vec'length));
if condition_1 then
sequential statements
elsif condition2 then
sequential statements
sequential statements
end if;