
Shell browser built on fzf

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Fuzzy directory and file browser for the shell, built around fzf.

Zsh integration


Using git (recommended)

Clone this repository (recommended location ~/.fzf_browser)

git clone https://github.com/ggVGc/fzf_browser ~/.fzf_browser


Make sure this repository is added to your $PATH, i.e


Basic usage

fuzzybrowse [options] root_path

Option Description
-r Recursive mode
-h Show hidden files
-q Initial query
-e Early exit, if only one option(best combined with initial query)
-o Output file, instead of writing to stdout
-s Sort output

Zsh integration

Add the following line to your .zshrc This will bind ctrl-b to open fuzzybrowse, and insert the result in the current command line.

bindkey "^b" _fuzzybrowse_zsh_insert_output

Vim plugin

Add the following line to your .vimrc.

set rtp+=~/.fzf_browser/vim


Special queries

If any of these are entered as the input string, they will trigger an action instead of selecting the current entry.

Input string Description
. Select current dir and exit.
.. Go to parent dir.

Shell usage

Command Description
fuzzybrowse Opens browser, and prints selected entries to stdout.
(Zsh only) _fuzzybrowse_zsh_insert_output Should be mapped to something with bindkey(see installation example). Inserts output from fuzzybrowse into current command line.

Vim usage

For these commands, if a directory is selected, cd to it. If one of more files are selected, opens them for editing.

Command Description
:FuzzyBrowse``<start_dir> Opens fuzzybrowse in <start_dir>, or current working dir if no argument is given.
:FuzzyBrowseHere Same as FuzzyBrowse, but starts in the directory of the current buffer(regardless of current working dir)
:FuzzyInsertPath Launches fzf_browsers and inserts the selection into current buffer
Map Description
<plug>FuzzyPath In insert mode, triggers path completion using fzf_browser.

Example mapping:

imap <c-f> <plug>FuzzyPath


See top of fzf_browser.sh for options/functions.

Key mappings:

            Key                                     Description
Enter If selection is directory, change to it. If it is a file, select it and exit. If multiple entries are selected, just exits(with the selections).
> Select current working directory as result and exit.
ctrl-q / / Select entry, regardless if it's a directory or folder
Tab Select multiple files/directories.
Right arrow cd into selected directory, or run file(same as ctrl-v for files)
Left arrow/ #/` Go to parent directory
Ctrl-l Preview selection. By default launches a less in a new terminal.
ctrl-a Toggle showing hidden files.
Ctrl-r / \ Toggle recursive mode. Lists all dirs/files recursively from current dir.
Ctrl-g In file-recursive mode, go to directory of selected file.
Ctrl-v View current selection using xdg-open
Ctrl-z (Currently only works if application fasd is available) Select recent directory and switch to it.
Ctrl-h Go to $HOME
Ctrl-x Open $SHELL, with $e containing current selection.
Ctrl-e Opens $EDITOR with selection.
Ctrl-c Abort
Ctrl-o Go backwards in directory stack.
Ctrl-u Go forward in directory stack.(Currently only supports one jump)
Ctrl-y Toggle sort