
Mesos, Zookeeper, Marathon, Docker and Weave Ansible playbook supporting CentOS and Debian

Primary LanguageShell

Playbook for creating a Mesos, Marathon, Docker and Weave PaaS using Ansible

This is a playbook which I use for deploying clusters utilizing the following technologies:

  • Oracle Java 8 for Zookeeper and Marathon
  • Apache Mesos w/ Zookeeper for Cluster Scheduling
  • Mesosphere Marathon for long running task and Docker support
  • Docker for containers
  • Weave for multi-host Docker networking and DNS resolution

This playbook supports 1..N Mesos Master nodes and 1..N Mesos slave based nodes.

Additional Documentation

See the blog entry and series related to this playbook at: Eating my own Dog Food: Building a PaaS

Using this playbook with Vagrant

Out of the box after cloning this repo a simple vagrant up will create a single Master and 2 Slave cluster. This cluster will create a weave network for docker to docker multi-host networking with a DNS name of *.mycompany.local.

To customize the number of slaves and attribution

  1. Modify the vagrant file to reflect the desired number of slave nodes and any slave attribution. This file contains comments and examples to get you started
  2. Modify the VagrantFile and change the num_slaves value to be the number of slaves you created in the vagrant file.
  3. Add any custom options in the masters.yml and slaves.yml .
  4. Run vagrant up