
Primary LanguagePython

Welcome to the najort program

This small project is made for the python part of ethical hacking.

Getting started

  1. Clone the repository.
git clone git@github.com:vanHooijdonkC/EH8.git
  1. Make a fine-grained access token to this repository on your github.
    go to settings > Developer settings > personal access tokens > fine-grained tokens > generate new token > choose the right repository and read/write rights

  2. Copy the token, paste in the root directory in "mytoken.txt".

  3. Be sure to change the repository name and user.

  • in github-client.py => line 18 and 20
  • in whoisd.py => line 14 and 16
  1. Run the client
sudo python github-client.py

This needs to be run as "sudo" as we're running a module with Scapy.

  1. Run the logger After running the client, you can decide to show all data collected of the system. In order to do this:
python whoisd.py


The module I chose to work out, is made with Scapy. We previously had an excercise with this particular library. Turned out I quite liked it, so I decided to work with this module. It will scan your internal(!) network, return the active hosts, their open ports and operating system.


The logging module, whoisd (who is data), is made to read all files in your repo under /data. It will then be displayed in your console.