Minimal self-contained examples of standard Kubernetes features and patterns in YAML
- abhaykhati
- aduzsardi@prodigy-it-solutions
- alochym01
- arif332London, UK
- BregorSEMrush
- cbetan
- costapEdinburgh
- csantanaprAWS
- derivoKiel
- eemailme
- eranik
- geocontinuumgeocontinuum
- gesellixGermany
- ianmiellMeirion Consulting
- jhcloos
- joesan
- julweber
- KlaudiozLehi, UT
- LarswaFactus Consulting
- legatusAlexNovi Sad, Serbia
- mamur9Protopie
- maurobaraldiFarfetch
- mrtmexx
- olpia
- pcheliniy
- ralvaresMy Own Repo :)
- rorismePort-au-Prince, Haiti
- SergeyDjam
- smashseBrasil, Bahia, Macaúbas
- srikantt
- stonegaoInnovation Works
- sunflower2014
- ttreuthardtti&m AG
- ytsarev@Upbound
- zbyufeiBeijing, china
- zukko78