Data files and source code for the Divinum Officium project.
This document is intended for people wishing to contribute to the project. To pray the office, please visit the website.
Contributing to the project
Contributions are very welcome. To propose a change, please create a GitHub account if necessary, and then open a pull request.
For small changes -- for example, for typographical corrections -- the simplest way to do so is to navigate to the relevant file in GitHub's repository browser and use its built-in editor. Any changes made in this way will automatically be converted to a pull request.
For more substantial changes, please fork this repository using the link on the repository's page on GitHub. This will create a copy of the repository under your own account to which you may commit freely. When you are ready to submit your change, GitHub's web interface can be used to create a corresponding pull request. There are various ways to do this, and the process is described in the GitHub documentation.
Data files
The data files for the office and Mass are contained in the web/www/horas/
and web/www/missa/
directories. Within these directories there is a directory
for each language. The files are UTF-8-encoded text files (Windows-1252
encoding is also supported, but is deprecated). The files are arranged into
sections, with each section beginning with its name enclosed in square
brackets. Please browse the files in the aforementioned directories for