
Package for cleaning and analyzing stream daily stream temperature

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT

This package is used to clean, prepared, and analyze stream temperature data collected at the daily or sub-daily level. Data and model predictions can be visualized using ggplot2 and our helper functions.

An example of how to use this package can be found in the vignettes...

to run the vignettes...

A full example where we use this package can be found on the Conte-Ecology GitHub package in the conteStreamTemperature_northeast repository.

To install and load this package you will need to have RTools installed and the R package remotes (or devtools which calls to remotes) installed. This package provides the install_github function so you can install our package directly from GitHub as shown below:


This is the project folder for the stream temperature work underway at the USGS S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center in Turners Falls, MA.

The stream temperature model estimates effects of landscape variables (% forest cover, % agriculture, elevation, etc.) and time varying variables (solar radiation, snow-water equivalent, air temperature, etc.) on daily stream water temperature. For each site/year combination, the estimates are limited to the times of the year where air temperature and water temperature are synchronized.