
Workshop resources for one day workshop at JISC on 1 Dec 2014

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ContentMine workshop at Jisc

10:00 – 15:30, 1 December 2014

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This workshop aims to ensure that Jisc staff are aware of the implications of TDM techniques for their various roles. This will be acheived by:

  • Describing, demonstrating and allowing participants to experience TDM in practice.
  • Enabling Jisc staff to better understand how TDM affects the work of Jisc’s customers and the work of particular Jisc staff.
  • Describing the legal framework in which TDM takes place.
  • Allowing Jisc staff to discuss with experts any questions they might have.


Link to [Pre-workshop Installation Instructions] (https://github.com/ContentMine/SciDataCon2014/blob/master/Info/README.md)


Times Session
10:00 Welcome and Coffee inc. [Introductions] (http://pads.cottagelabs.com/p/contentmine_jisc2014)
10:15 What is content mining
  • An introduction to content mining - what content can be mined and from where?
10:45 Hands-on sesson including scraping the literature and extracting species names.
11:45 Break
12:00 How is TDM relevant for the work of Jisc staff? Discussion facilitated by Naomi Korn
13:00 Lunch
  • Post-it note exercise: what are the implications of TDM for Jisc's main stakeholder groups?
13:45 [Legal implications of content mining] (https://github.com/ContentMine/JISC-Workshop-1Dec2014/blob/master/Legal.md)
  • Covering the copyright and database rights that impact on contact mining activities, including statutory and case law.
14:15 Introduction to relevant TDM services and related organisations
14:30 Q+A with general discussion facilitated by Naomi Korn.
15:30 Event close


Notes will be taken and a report will be created and shared with Jisc staff following the workshop.

The primary means of communication and taking notes during the workshop will be via this [Etherpad] (http://pads.cottagelabs.com/p/contentmine_jisc2014).

If you're not familiar with Etherpads, it's easy - you just type! Your writing will show up in a different colour to other people's and you can associate the colour with your name by clicking the person icon in the top right corner of the screen.