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Basic starter class for connecting to the Content Runner API. For more information on accepted request headers, possible response headers, and status codes, refer to the official documentation.



Before query the Content Runner API, you will need to add your API credentials. You can find your credentials here (if you haven't already, you will need to click the button to generate the credentials initially).

Once you have your credentials, add your API Username as the $client_id and your API Key as the $client_secret:

private $client_id     = 'your_api_username';
private $client_secret = 'your_api_key';

Once your credentials are set, you're ready to instantiate your API object.

$api = new ContentRunnerApi();

Post a new order

To create a new order, you will need to create an array with the following order data:

  • purpose: (optional, default: Article) Type of content being ordered (Article, Blog Post, Editing, Other, Press Release, Product Description, Resume, Technical Writing, Translation, White Paper, Website Copy, Guest Post)
  • style_guide: (optional) Predefined Style Guide to be included with the specific article instructions. You can manage your style guides here
  • project_notes: (optional) For your eyes only. Your notes about the order, for personal reference.
  • articles: Multidimensional array containing details for each article being ordered, including the following data:
    *title: Title of article
    *instructions: Instructions to the Writer on what the project entails
    *min_word_count: Minimum acceptable word count
    *max_word_count: Maximum acceptable word count
    *price: Offering price to write the article (keep in mind that Writers will be paid 15% less after Content Runner fees)
    *days_to_complete: Number of days Writer will have to complete article, once picked up
    *niche: (optional) Valid niches
    *order_type: Type of order to place as (Direct, Pool, Open, Contact)
    *assign_to: (optional for Open/Contact orders) Which Writers to make the article available to (Writer username for Direct, Writer Pool name for Pool. Open/Contact defaults to All Writers, can be restricted to "3+ Star Writers", "4+ Star Writers", "Most Active Writers")

Note: If you have insufficient funds, the order will fail to be placed, and you will need to log into your dashboard to reload. Funds cannot be loaded by API.

$order_details = array(
    "purpose" => "Product Description",
    "style_guide" => "Web Product Descriptions",
    "project_notes" => "Last batch of product descriptions for abc.com",
    "articles" => array(
            "title" => "Product X Description",
            "instructions" => "Write a description for Product X using the details at abc.com/x",
            "min_word_count" => 200,
            "max_word_count" => 300,
            "price" => 12.50,
            "days_to_complete" => 3,
            "niche" => "Style",
            "order_type" => "Direct",
            "assign_to" => "duchess"
            "title" => "Product Y Description",
            "instructions" => "Write a description for Product Y using the details at abc.com/y",
            "min_word_count" => 200,
            "max_word_count" => 300,
            "price" => 12.50,
            "days_to_complete" => 3,
            "niche" => "Style",
            "order_type" => "Pool",
            "assign_to" => "Site-wide Favorites"
            "title" => "Product Z Description",
            "instructions" => "Write a description for Product Z using the details at abc.com/z",
            "word_count_min" => 200,
            "word_count_max" => 300,
            "price" => 12.50,
            "days_to_complete" => 3,
            "niche" => "Style",
            "order_type" => "Contact",
            "assign_to" => "4+ Star Writers"

try {
} catch(Exception $e) {

Retrieve article details

You can retrieve the details of your articles either individually or in bulk.

Bulk article retrieval

When querying for articles in bulk, you can either retrieve all articles associated with your account or filter them by status and/or order number by passing an optional $filters argument.

$filters = array(
    'status'   => 'Writing In-process',
    'order_no' => 2952

try {
    $articles = $api->get_article_details($filters);
} catch(Exception $e) {

If the article retrieval was successful, an array will be returned in the following format:

$results = array(
    "_links" => array(
        "self"  => "https://api.contentrunner.com/articles?status=Writing%20In-process&page=1",
        "first" => "https://api.contentrunner.com/articles?status=Writing%20In-process",
        "last"  => "https://api.contentrunner.com/articles?status=Writing%20In-process&page=2",
        "next"  => "https://api.contentrunner.com/articles?status=Writing%20In-process&page=2"
    "_embedded" => array(
        "article" => array(
                "id" => 15862,
                "title" => "Product X Description",
                "instructions" => "Write a description for Product X using the details at abc.com/x",
                "min_word_count" => 200,
                "max_word_count" => 300,
                "price" => 12.50,
                "days_to_complete" => 3,
                "current_deadline" => "2015-01-15",
                "submitted_at" => null,
                "accepted_at" => null,
                "created_at" => "2015-01-10 12:52:11",
                "order_no" => 2952,
                "niche" => "Style",
                "status" => "Writing In-process",
                "order_type" => "Direct"
                "pool" => null,
                "writer" => "duchess",
                "_links" => array(
                    "self" => array(
                        "href" => "https://api.contentrunner.com/articles/15862"
                "id" => 15863,
                "title" => "Product Y Description",
                "instructions" => "Write a description for Product Y using the details at abc.com/y",
                "min_word_count" => 200,
                "max_word_count" => 300,
                "price" => 12.50,
                "days_to_complete" => 3,
                "current_deadline" => "2015-01-15",
                "submitted_at" => null,
                "accepted_at" => null,
                "created_at" => "2015-01-10 12:52:11",
                "order_no" => 2952,
                "niche" => "Style",
                "status" => "Writing In-process",
                "order_type" => "Pool"
                "pool" => "Site-wide Favorites",
                "writer" => "ppoovey",
                "_links" => array(
                    "self" => array(
                        "href" => "https://api.contentrunner.com/articles/15863"

Individual article retrieval

When querying individual article details, you will pass the article ID as the filter and pass true as the second argument to indicate that it is a single article lookup.

try {
    $article = $api->get_article_details(1433, true);
} catch(Exception $e) {

If the article retrieval was successful, an array will be returned in the following format:

$results = array(
    "id" => 15864,
    "order_no" => 2952,
    "title" => "Product Z Description",
    "instructions" => "Write a description for Product Z using the details at abc.com/z",
    "niche" => "Style",
    "word_count_min" => 200,
    "word_count_max" => 300,
    "price" => 12.50,
    "days_to_complete" => 3,
    "order_type" => "Contact (4+ Star Writers)",
    "writer" => "cfiggis",
    "pool" => null,
    "status" => "Complete",
    "current_deadline" => "2015-01-13",
    "submitted_at" => "2015-01-12 07:52:44",
    "accepted_at" => "2015-01-12 11:02:35",
    "created_at" => "2015-01-10 12:52:11",
    "_links" => array(
        "self" => array(
            "href" => "https://api.contentrunner.com/articles/15864"