Contentrain Model Repository

This repository is a hub for sharing and reusing JSON Content Models and corresponding content examples, with a primary focus on common data structures used in web development projects, such as Products, Posts, and more. The goal is to eliminate the need for developers to repeatedly create these models from scratch, allowing them to easily discover, reuse, and contribute to existing models.

Why Contribute?

  • Efficiency: Save time and effort by reusing models tailored for common web development data structures.

  • Collaboration: Contribute your own models and benefit from a collaborative space where developers can learn, share, and enhance their data models.

  • Inspiration: Find inspiration in the models shared by others and leverage existing structures for your projects.

How to Contribute?

  1. Add a Model: To contribute, simply add your JSON Content Model to the models folder. Include a readme file to provide context and usage instructions.

  2. Share Your Use Cases: Describe how your model can be applied, and share any specific use cases or scenarios where it proves beneficial.

  3. Collaborate: Engage with other contributors, provide feedback, and discuss best practices for various data models.

How to Use?

  1. Explore and Discover: Explore the models folder to discover pre-built models for common data structures used in web projects.

  2. Quick Integration: Easily integrate the models into your Contentrain projects or any other web development projects.

  3. Customization: Tailor the models to your specific needs or contribute enhancements to make them more versatile.


See who has contributed to this project in Contributors.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and adapt the models for your projects!