
A few Python scripts doing different things on Contentstack Assets.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Not Officially Supported by Contentstack

Playing around with Assets - Creating, publishing, finding unused ones, moving them between folders.


  • Contentstack Account.
  • Install Python 3 (Developed using Python 3.7.6 on Macbook).
  • Install Python package:
    • pip install requests

Define environmental variables

e.g. variables.env file:

CS_REGION=NA (Either NA or EU)


and run source variables.env in the terminal.

Scripts in this repository

  1. Find unused assets - findUnusedAssets.py

Fetches all assets and iterated through them finding if any entries are referencing them.

Available methods (Just uncomment chosen method):

  • Just print them out
  • Delete unused asset (Be careful)
  • Write to a CSV report file
  • Update unused asset in Contentstack with a tag

Known Limitation:: If you use the HTML RTE in any content types and there insert images without embedding them the Content Management API endpoint we use does detect that as a reference.

  1. Move assets between folders - moveAssetsBetweenFolders.py

You can run the script once to see uid's of all folders. Then define the source and destination uid's in the script - and run again.

  1. Bulk create assets and publish them - bulkCreateAndPublishAssets.py

Reads files from a folder and attempts to upload all of them to Contentstack and then publish them. You can specify a folder uid where you want to upload - Set to None if you want to upload to the root folder. Comment out if you don't want to publish asset right after uploading.

  1. Detect duplicate assets - findDuplicateAssets.py

Fetches data on all assets and groups based on filesize.

  1. Find empty folders - findEmptyFolders.py

Finds all empty folders. Prints them out, and optionally deletes them.


This project is covered under the MIT license