
Marketplace that has custom field to select all the terms from taxonomy

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Taxonomy Selector Marketplace App

Note: This app is not offically provided by Contentstack.

Taxonomy Selector is a marketplace app where the CustomField component creates an interactive taxonomy selector interface that allows users to:

  • Browse through hierarchical taxonomies in an expandable accordion layout
  • Select/deselect terms within each taxonomy using checkboxes
  • See their selected terms displayed as tags at the top of each taxonomy section
  • Navigate nested terms easily with an intuitive indented structure

The component automatically loads taxonomy data, maintains the state of selected terms, and syncs selections with Contentstack's CustomField data. It's particularly useful for editors who need to organize and categorize their content using taxonomies .



This provider is responsible for the following actions

  • Initialize the contentstack SDK
  • Make the SDK instance available via hooks to avoid props drilling
  • Set global properties for Analytics and Error tracking
  • Send "App Initialized / Failed" event

Available Hooks

  • useAppConfig
  • useAppLocation
  • useAppSdk
  • useCustomField
  • useEntry
  • useFrame
  • useHostUrl
  • useInstallationData
  • useSdkDataByPath


Each route represents one location. It is recommended to lazy load the route components to reduce the bundle size.

Adding new route

  • Create a new Route component inside route. Use default export
    • Inside App.tsx, lazy load the route component.
      • eg: const CustomFieldExtension = React.lazy(() => import("./routes/CustomField"))
    • Add the route wrapped inside Suspense.
      • Eg: <Route path="/new" element={<Suspense><CustomFieldExtension /></Suspense>} />


  • All e2e test files are stored in e2e folder

  • Create a .env file in the root directory & add environment variables as shown in .env.sample file.

  • Please refer the below commands to run e2e tests locally and setup the perquisites before running them.

  • Note: To run the below commands make sure the app is running in the background i.e on port http://localhost:3000

      "test:chrome": "npx playwright test --config=playwright.config.ts --project=Chromium",
      "test:firefox": "npx playwright test --config=playwright.config.ts --project=firefox",
      "test:chrome-headed": "npx playwright test --headed --config=playwright.config.ts --project=Chromium",
      "test:firefox-headed": "npx playwright test --headed --config=playwright.config.ts --project=firefox"
  • Unit & integration tests are stored in src/__tests__ folder

  • run npm run test to run unit and integration tests


  • This setup uses basic CSS for styling

Reference to documentation