Bountykinds Contracts

Overall system design



All the roles used in the contract can be found in this

Rights of roles:

  • Admin: Has the right to grant or revoke roles on Authority, manage roles on ERC20, and set limits on Treasury.
  • Operator: Has the right to manage user statuses.
  • Upgrader: Has the right to upgrade contracts.
  • Minter: Has the right to mint ERC20, NFT, and RNFT.
  • Pauser: Has the right to pause and unpause contracts.
  • Proxy: A role for contracts that can call specific functions on other contracts, such as redeemTicket on Gacha, redeem on INO, and safeMint and safeMintBatch on NFT contracts.
  • Signer: Has the right to sign signatures.
  • Treasurer: Has the right to update prices, update payments, and withdraw funds from the Treasury.


Manage system access roles


The treasury that holds native token, ERC20 token, NFT, RNFT.

Payment Gateway

Used when users deposit native tokens, ERC-20, ERC-721 to play gacha, purchase in-game items, buy NFTs, etc.


Marketplace for buying and selling NFT & items with YU.



Allows users to rent NFTs.

INO (Initial NFT Offerings)

Operator create a campaign then users can purchase NFT tickets during a campaign.


Allow users to purchase lottery tickets (via a payment gateway) and claim rewards by signing and sending an NFT. If they win, the API returns the result for the contract to reward the user.


Allow users to deposit tokens and request the server to perform a specific action.


  • Used for batch execution for functions not supporting batch execution on the contract.
  • Currently, the Multicall is being used to blacklist a large number of addresses across ERC20 tokens (YU, FFE), and Authority.


Deployed contract

All the deployed contracts can be found in this

Deploy contract

  • Implement a deployment script in the script folder. Then, use to execute the deployment script.
  • You can find examples of deployments in this this repo or in the foundry docs.

Check storage slot collision

To check for collision in storage slots, use


  • To debug a transaction, use to execute the Debug.s.sol script.
  • Ensure that debug parameters exist in .env.debug.


Mint NFT

  • After minting a batch on NFT Character (RNFT), you must ensure that the result of typeIdTrackers has not been minted before.
  • If typeIdTrackers results are minted and have an owner, use fixTokenIdTrackers to set a new typeIdTrackers by increasing typeIdTrackers by 1. If not fixed, claiming rewards on Gacha will revert.


  • This contract can be used in multiple purposes.
  • You can found usage contract in this
  • Example:
    • Multiple blacklist/unblacklist address
    • Multiple grant/revoke role (if this contract have role admin in Authority)
    • etc.


  • Ensure that your RPC URL is optimal during deployment.
  • If you encounter this error: Error: Transaction dropped from the mempool consider changing your RPC in foundry.toml.
  • Be careful when upgrading contract logic. Ensure there is no storage slot collision; otherwise, resolving issues may be challenging. Good luck!