- 0
View Course registartion stats
#17 opened by kunal2812 - 5
Enable Username and Password Sign-In Option
#15 opened by kunal2812 - 8
- 6
Implement profile page for users
#5 opened by kunal2812 - 2
Add Course Registration functionality
#13 opened by kunal2812 - 4
- 18
Implement a blog functionality for Users
#2 opened by kunal2812 - 1
Add Video Player for Course Chapters
#14 opened by kunal2812 - 7
Addd steps to create a Course to README
#19 opened by kunal2812 - 13
- 0
Remove useless "_config.yml" file
#9 opened by kunal2812 - 6
Create separate sign up and sign in forms
#1 opened by kunal2812