
A light-weight Inversion of Control (IoC) tools by Dependency Injection (DI) for Scala.

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


A light-weight Inversion of Control (IoC) tools by Dependency Injection (DI) for Scala.

Using library

This library is complied for Scala 2.13.x, 2.12.x, 2.11.x, and also tested in Java8, 11, 16.


libraryDependencies += "space.controlnet" %% "lightioc" % "0.3.2"


implementation group: "space.controlnet", name: "lightioc_<scala_version>", version: "0.3.2"

A Java-friendly API compiled by Scala 2.13 is provided. See Java-Friendly API. Gradle:

implementation group: "space.controlnet", name: "lightioc-api", version: "0.3.2"

Quick start

Static registry

import space.controlnet.lightioc.Container

class TopLevelClass

class TopLevelSingletonClass

@Provider(isObject = true)
object TopLevelObject

@Provider(stringId = "IdForThisClass")
class NamedProviderClass

@Provider(isObject = true)
object NestedClass {

  class InnerClass

  @Provider(isObject = true)
  object InnerObject

object Main extends App {
  Container.init("<package name>")

Dynamic registry

import space.controlnet.lightioc.Container
import space.controlnet.lightioc.Util._

class Foo
class Bar {
  var x: Int = _
  var y: Int = _
object Baz
class Qux(foo: Foo)

object Main extends App {
  // register Foo to self constructor in Transient scope
  // register Bar to self constructor in Singleton scope
  // register Baz as well
  // register a constructor with parameters
  // register a constant value
  Container.register("A Number").toValue(123).inSingletonScope()
  // register a factory
  val barX = 1
  val barY = 2
  val factory: Factory[Bar] = Container => {
    // do anything you want
    val bar = new Bar
    bar.x = Container.resolve[Int]("Bar.x")
    bar.y = Container.resolve[Int]("Bar.y")
  // register to another service (registry)
  Container.register[Foo].toSelf.inTransientScope() // target service

Of course, if you prefer to use operators...

import space.controlnet.lightioc.Container
import space.controlnet.lightioc.BindingSetter.{ New, Self }

object Main extends App {
  // register to value in Transient
  Container.register("AString") -> "Hello IOC"
  // register to constructor/class in Transient
  Container.register[Foo] -> classOf[Foo]
  // register to constructor/class in Singleton
  Container.register[Bar] := classOf[Bar]
  // register to self
  Container.register[Baz.type] -> Self
  // register to a constructor with parameters
  Container.register[Qux] -> New(classOf[Foo])
  // register to factory
  Container.register[Bar] ~> factory
  // register to service
  Container.register("AnotherString") >> "AString"

Dynamic resolve

import space.controlnet.lightioc.Container

object Main extends App {
  // resolve by type
  val foo: Foo = Container.resolve[Foo]
  // resolve by string
  val str: String = Container.resolve[String]("AString")
  // resolve by factory
  val bar: Bar = Container.resolve[Bar]


import space.controlnet.lightioc.annotation.{ Autowired, Provider }

class Foo {
  val bar: Bar = null

class Bar

object Baz {
  var x: Int = 0 // should be "var"

Java-Friendly API


implementation group: "space.controlnet", name: "lightioc-api", version: "0.3.2"

Kotlin Example

import space.controlnet.lightioc.annotation.Singleton
import space.controlnet.lightioc.api.Container

class A {
    val x: Int = 100

fun main() {
    Container.init("<package name>")
    val a = Container.resolve(A::class.java)
