Control System Studio is an Eclipse-based collections of tools to monitor and operate large scale control systems, such as the ones in the accelerator community.
- craigh555
- crispdFermi National Accelerator Laboratory
- crudbugBoston, MA
- dmichel76Tessella, currently based at Central Laser Facility (CLF)
- DominicKim
- DominicOramDiamond Light Source
- dreamworldShanghai, China
- dxmaxwell
- ffeldbauerRuhr-Universität Bochum
- glcjCEOS Automatización, C.A.
- gusdoePerth Australia
- HaveFChina
- ikrz
- inigoalonsoMalmö, Sweden
- juandesantALMA Observatory
- kasemirNorth America
- laurence-fengPeking University
- liujin001CHINA
- luxingxiaoKernelsoft
- neubSevensols
- piquetg-iter
- ponsn
- rajiveReal-Time Innovations Inc.
- ralphlangeITER Organization
- richardfearn@sophos
- sasaki77KEK
- stuartcampbell@NSLS-II @BNL
- ttrubep1Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- willrogersOxford University Press
- xihuiRTI
- xinnanzhang
- yeoupoohIndivisual Developer
- yoeshi
- youngwookimSK Telecom
- zhangt58
- zshen0xbay area