Multi-step Register Form This challenge offers a great opportunity to enhance your JavaScript skills by creating a 3-step registration form with distinct sections, allowing you to test and improve your JavaScript proficiency. To practice.
Multi-step Register Form This challenge offers a great opportunity to enhance your JavaScript skills by creating a 3-step registration form with distinct sections, allowing you to test and improve your JavaScript proficiency. User stories
Create a multi-step registration page that matches the given design.
Use HTML to create the basic structure.
Add form, inputs, buttons, stepper,... according to the design.
Add validations to the inputs: name and email input should be required and email input should only accept email format.
Use Vanilla JavaScript to add interactivity.
Users should not be able to continue to the next step if inputs are empty or the topic is not selected.
Users can continue to the next step if inputs are filled or topic is selected.
Users should know which step they are at.
When users click confirm, they should see an alert with '✅ Success' message.
The page should be responsive on different screen sizes.
Deploy the solution and submit Repository URL and Demo URL.