
The sevDesk API v1 uses a token authentication. You need to click on the authorization button (lock symbol) and enter your api-key there. The token can be found on settings-->user-->specific user # General information The sevDesk api uses models to represent the different categories like contacts and invoices. Every time you request such a model from the api, it will return the whole model schema including the unique model id and all the other objects and parameters that are included in the model. Have a look at it in the developer console of your desired browser, especially if you are looking for specific parameters like the model id. # URL The basic URL contains four elements. BaseURL + Controller + Version + Model: # Basic Operations Access a list of models:{Model}/ Access a specific model:{Model}/{id} The id of a specific model can usually be found in the developer console of your browser or when opening a specific model, in the url. Call a model function:{Model}/{id}/{Function} Each operation can be used with different HTTP methods: * GET - read data * POST - create data * PUT - update existing data * DELETE - delete data # Useful Parameters For each request, there are some specific parameters. GET Query Parameters * limit - limits the number of entries returned * offset - set the index where the returned entries should start * embed - embed can be used to get some additional information about a model. For example you can get the addresses of a contact with embed=addresses [GET] * If there is a need to get more information about the country in the addresses, embed can be extended by [GET], * Some models also contain other models. By default these models are only filled with an id and objectName. If you want to get more information about the nested model you can use embed too. [GET] * Every model also has specified 'query parameters'. These can be used to filter the results. E.g. all Contacts with a 'Company' in their name [GET] * countAll If countAll is set to 1 the total number of entries will be returned additionally * orderBy Is an array that can be filled with objects containing the the properties field and arrangement json: orderBy = [{field:'parent' ,arrangement:'desc'},{field:'name' ,arrangement:'asc'}]; url: ?orderBy[0][field]=parent&orderBy[0][arrangement]=desc&orderBy[1][field]=name&orderBy[1][arrangement]=asc

This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Package version:
  • Build date: 2017-09-23T21:38:34.463+02:00
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen


PHP 5.4.0 and later

Installation & Usage


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "git",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "cookiemc337/sevdesk-php-client": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:



To run the unit tests:

composer install

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: api_key
ispserverfarm\sevdesk\phpclient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('token', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// ispserverfarm\sevdesk\phpclient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('token', 'Bearer');

$api_instance = new ispserverfarm\sevdesk\phpclient\Api\AccountingChartApi();
$body = "body_example"; // string | To create an accounting chart, simply enter desired values after parameter= and remove the quotation marks.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->addAccountingChart($body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountingChartApi->addAccountingChart: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountingChartApi addAccountingChart POST /AccountingChart Create a new accounting chart
AccountingChartApi deleteAccountingChart DELETE /AccountingChart/{id} Delete an existing accounting chart
AccountingChartApi getAccountingChart GET /AccountingChart Get an overview of all accounting charts
AccountingChartApi updateAccountingChart PUT /AccountingChart/{id} Update an existing accounting chart
AccountingContactApi accountingContactIsAvailableDebitorCreditorNumber GET /AccountingContact/isAvailableDebitorCreditorNumber Return if a debitor / creditor number is available
AccountingContactApi addAccountingContact POST /AccountingContact Create a new accounting contact
AccountingContactApi deleteAccountingContact DELETE /AccountingContact/{id} Delete an existing accounting contact
AccountingContactApi getAccountingContacts GET /AccountingContact Get an overview of all accounting contacts
AccountingContactApi updateAccountingContact PUT /AccountingContact/{id} Update an existing accounting contact
AccountingCorrectionApi addAccountingCorrection POST /AccountingCorrection Create a new accounting correction
AccountingCorrectionApi deleteAccountingCorrection DELETE /AccountingCorrection/{id} Delete an existing accounting correction
AccountingCorrectionApi getAccountingCorrections GET /AccountingCorrection Get an overview of all accounting corrections
AccountingCorrectionApi updateAccountingCorrection PUT /AccountingCorrection/{id} Update an existing accounting correction
AccountingIndexApi addAccountingIndex POST /AccountingIndex Create a new accounting index
AccountingIndexApi deleteAccountingIndex DELETE /AccountingIndex/{id} Delete an existing accounting index
AccountingIndexApi getAccountingIndexes GET /AccountingIndex Get an overview of all accounting indexes
AccountingIndexApi updateAccountingIndex PUT /AccountingIndex/{id} Update an existing accounting index
AccountingSystemApi getAccountingSystems GET /AccountingSystem Get an overview of all accounting systems
AccountingSystemNumberApi addAccountingSystemNumber POST /AccountingSystemNumber Create a new accounting system number
AccountingSystemNumberApi deleteAccountingSystemNumber DELETE /AccountingSystemNumber/{id} Delete an existing accounting system number
AccountingSystemNumberApi getAccountingSystemNumbers GET /AccountingSystemNumber Get an overview of all accounting system numbers
AccountingSystemNumberApi updateAccountingSystemNumber PUT /AccountingSystemNumber/{id} Update an existing accounting system number
AccountingTypeApi accountingTypeGetAccountingNumber GET /AccountingType/{id}/getAccountingNumber Get accounting system number of the specified accounting type
AccountingTypeApi accountingTypeGetAccountingNumberDepreciation GET /AccountingType/{id}/getAccountingNumberDepreciation Get accounting system number depreciation of the specified accounting type
AccountingTypeApi accountingTypeGetAccountingSystemNumber GET /AccountingType/{id}/getAccountingSystemNumber Get accounting system number of the specified accounting type
AccountingTypeApi addAccountingType POST /AccountingType Create a new accounting type
AccountingTypeApi addAccountingTypeFactory POST /AccountingType/Factory/createType Create a new accounting type
AccountingTypeApi deleteAccountingType DELETE /AccountingType/{id} Delete an existing accounting type
AccountingTypeApi getAccountingTypes GET /AccountingType Get an overview of all accounting types
AccountingTypeApi updateAccountingType PUT /AccountingType/{id} Update an existing accounting type
AggregatorApi aggregatorCalcTotalDepreciation GET /Aggregator/calcTotalDepreciation Calculates total sum of all asset amounts for the year of the current query
AggregatorApi aggregatorGetAccountingScore GET /Aggregator/getAccountingScore Get accounting score
AggregatorApi aggregatorGetAppRevenueChartData GET /Aggregator/getAppRevenueChartData Get the data which is displayed in the chart on the dashboard in the app
AggregatorApi aggregatorGetProfitAndLossCalculation GET /Aggregator/getProfitAndLossCalculation Calculates the profit and loss over a specified period
AggregatorApi aggregatorGetTaxInformation GET /Aggregator/getTaxInformation Calculates tax of earnings and spending over a specified period
AggregatorApi aggregatorGetVoucherCategoryInformation GET /Aggregator/getVoucherCategoryInformation Get information about the categories of all vouchers in the year of the current query
AggregatorApi aggregatorGetVoucherChartData GET /Aggregator/getVoucherChartData Get voucher chart data
AggregatorApi aggregatorGetWebRevenueChartData GET /Aggregator/getWebRevenueChartData Get the data which is displayed in the chart on the dashboard
AssetApi addAsset POST /Asset Create a new asset
AssetApi assetGetDepreciationAmount GET /Asset/{id}/getDepreciationAmount Get depreciation amount of the specified asset for the given year/month
AssetApi assetGetResidualValue GET /Asset/{id}/getResidualValue Get residual value of the specified asset for the given year/month
AssetApi assetGetVoucher GET /Asset/{id}/getVoucher Get voucher of the specified asset
AssetApi deleteAsset DELETE /Asset/{id} Delete an existing asset
AssetApi getAssets GET /Asset Get an overview of all assets
AssetApi updateAsset PUT /Asset/{id} Update an existing asset
AssetPosApi addAssetPos POST /AssetPos Create a new asset position
AssetPosApi deleteAssetPosition DELETE /AssetPos/{id} Delete an existing asset position
AssetPosApi getAssetPositions GET /AssetPos Get an overview of all asset positions
AssetPosApi updateAssetPosition PUT /AssetPos/{id} Update an existing asset position
CategoryApi addCategory POST /Category Create a new category
CategoryApi deleteCategory DELETE /Category/{id} Delete an existing category
CategoryApi getCategories GET /Category Get an overview of all categories
CategoryApi updateCategory PUT /Category/{id} Update a existing category
CheckAccountApi addCheckAccount POST /CheckAccount Create a new check account
CheckAccountApi checkAccountGetCheckAccountDetails GET /CheckAccount/{id}/getCheckAccountDetails Get check account details of figo check account
CheckAccountApi checkAccountGetCurrentBalance GET /CheckAccount/{id}/getCurrentBalance Get current balance of the specified check account
CheckAccountApi checkAccountGetIbanBic GET /CheckAccount/{id}/getIbanBic Get iban and bic of figo check account
CheckAccountApi checkAccountGetNewTransactions GET /CheckAccount/{id}/getNewTransactions Get new transactions from figo
CheckAccountApi checkAccountGetPaymentIsSupported GET /CheckAccount/getPaymentIsSupported Return if a payment method is supported
CheckAccountApi checkAccountGetSupportedBankServices GET /CheckAccount/getSupportedBankServices Get supported bank services of figo
CheckAccountApi checkAccountGetSupportedTanSchemes GET /CheckAccount/{id}/getSupportedTanSchemes Get supported tan schemes of figo
CheckAccountApi checkAccountSetDefault PUT /CheckAccount/{id}/setDefault Set the specified check accounts as the default check account
CheckAccountApi checkAccountTransfer PUT /CheckAccount/{id}/transfer Transfer an amount from one check account to another
CheckAccountApi deleteCheckAccount DELETE /CheckAccount/{id} Delete an existing check account
CheckAccountApi getCheckAccounts GET /CheckAccount Get an overview of all check accounts
CheckAccountApi updateCheckAccount PUT /CheckAccount/{id} Update an existing check account
CheckAccountTransactionApi addCheckAccountTransaction POST /CheckAccountTransaction Create a new check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionApi checkAccountTransactionGetLog GET /CheckAccountTransaction/{id}/getLog Get log of a specified check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionApi checkAccountTransactionGetRemainingAmount GET /CheckAccountTransaction/{id}/getRemainingAmount Get invoice amount which is not assigned yet
CheckAccountTransactionApi deleteCheckAccountTransaction DELETE /CheckAccountTransaction/{id} Delete an existing check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionApi getCheckAccountTransactions GET /CheckAccountTransaction Get an overview of all check account transactions
CheckAccountTransactionApi linkInvoiceToCheckAccountTransaction PUT /CheckAccountTransaction/{id}/linkInvoice link invoice to check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionApi linkVoucherToCheckAccountTransaction PUT /CheckAccountTransaction/{id}/linkVoucher link voucher to check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionApi updateCheckAccountTransaction PUT /CheckAccountTransaction/{id} Update a existing check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionApi updateCheckAccountTransactionStatus PUT /CheckAccountTransaction/{id}/changeStatus Update status of a existing check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionLogApi addCheckAccountTransactionLog POST /CheckAccountTransactionLog Create a new logged check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionLogApi deleteCheckAccountTransactionLog DELETE /CheckAccountTransactionLog/{id} Delete an existing logged check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionLogApi getCheckAccountTransactionLog GET /CheckAccountTransactionLog Get an overview of all check account transactions which were logged
CheckAccountTransactionLogApi updateCheckAccountTransactionLog PUT /CheckAccountTransactionLog/{id} Update a existing logged check account transaction
CommunicationWayApi addCommunicationWay POST /CommunicationWay Create a new communication way
CommunicationWayApi deleteCommunicationWay DELETE /CommunicationWay/{id} Delete an existing communication way
CommunicationWayApi getCommunicationWays GET /CommunicationWay Get an overview of all communication ways
CommunicationWayApi updateCommunicationWay PUT /CommunicationWay/{id} Update a existing communication way
CommunicationWayKeyApi getCommunicationWayKeys GET /CommunicationWayKey Get an overview of all communication way keys
ContactApi addAddress POST /Contact/{id}/addAddress Add an address
ContactApi addContact POST /Contact Create a new contact of type person or company
ContactApi addContactCommunicationWay POST /Contact/{id}/addCommunicationWay Create a new communication way for a contact
ContactApi addMobile POST /Contact/{id}/addMobile Add a new mobile number
ContactApi addPhone POST /Contact/{id}/addPhone Add a new phone number
ContactApi addWebsite POST /Contact/{id}/addWeb Add a new website
ContactApi contactAddEmail POST /Contact/{id}/addEmail Add a new email
ContactApi contactFactoryCreateContact POST /Contact/Factory/create Create a new contact of type person or company
ContactApi contactGetAddresses GET /Contact/{id}/getAddresses Get the addresses of a specified contact
ContactApi deleteContact DELETE /Contact/{id} Delete an existing contact
ContactApi getContactBillingAddress GET /Contact/{id}/getBillingAddress Get the billing address of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactBillingEmail GET /Contact/{id}/getBillingEmail Get the billing email of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactCommunicationWays GET /Contact/{id}/getCommunicationWays Get the communication ways of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactMainAddress GET /Contact/{id}/getMainAddress Get the main address of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactMainEmail GET /Contact/{id}/getMainEmail Get the main email of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactMainMobile GET /Contact/{id}/getMainMobile Get the main mobile of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactMainPhone GET /Contact/{id}/getMainPhone Get the main phone of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactMainWebsite GET /Contact/{id}/getMainWebsite Get the main website of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactRelatedCommunicationWays GET /Contact/{id}/getRelatedCommunicationWays Get the related communication ways of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactTabsItemCount GET /Contact/{id}/getTabsItemCount Get number of all invoices, orders, etc. of a specified contact
ContactApi getContacts GET /Contact Get an overview of all contacts
ContactApi getNextCustomerNumber GET /Contact/Factory/getNextCustomerNumber Get the next customer number
ContactApi updateContact PUT /Contact/{id} Update an existing contact
ContactAddressApi addContactAddress POST /ContactAddress Create a new contact address
ContactAddressApi deleteContactAddress DELETE /ContactAddress/{id} Delete an existing contact address
ContactAddressApi getContactAddresses GET /ContactAddress Get an overview of all contact addresses
ContactAddressApi updateContactAddress PUT /ContactAddress/{id} Update an existing contact address
CostCentreApi addCostCentre POST /CostCentre Create a new cost centre
CostCentreApi deleteCostCentre DELETE /CostCentre/{id} Delete an existing cost centre
CostCentreApi getCostCentre GET /CostCentre Get an overview of all cost centre
CostCentreApi updateCostCentre PUT /CostCentre/{id} Update an existing cost centre
CurrencyExchangeRateApi getCurrencyExchangeRates GET /CurrencyExchangeRate Get an overview of all currency exchange rates
DiscountsApi addDiscount POST /Discounts Create a new discount
DiscountsApi deleteDiscount DELETE /Discounts/{id} Delete an existing discount
DiscountsApi getDiscounts GET /Discounts Get an overview of all discounts
DiscountsApi updateDiscount PUT /Discounts/{id} Update an existing discount
DocServerApi docServerDeleteLetterPaper POST /DocServer/deleteLetterpaper Delete a specified letter paper
DocServerApi docServerDeleteTemplate POST /DocServer/deleteTemplate Delete a specified template
DocServerApi docServerGetLetterPapers GET /DocServer/getLetterpapers Get an overview of all letter papers
DocServerApi docServerGetLetterPapersWithThumb GET /DocServer/getLetterpapersWithThumb Get an overview of all letter papers with their thumb
DocServerApi docServerGetTemplates GET /DocServer/getTemplates Get an overview of all templates
DocServerApi docServerGetTemplatesWithThumb GET /DocServer/getTemplatesWithThumb Get an overview of all templates with their thumb
DocServerApi docServerSetDefaultLetterPaper POST /DocServer/setDefaultLetterpaper Set a letter papers as the default letter paper
DocServerApi docServerSetDefaultTemplate POST /DocServer/setDefaultTemplate Set a template as the default template
DocServerApi docServerStoreLetterPaper POST /DocServer/storeLetterpaper Store a letter paper on the doc server
DocServerApi docServerStoreTemplate POST /DocServer/storeTemplate Store a template on the doc server
DocServerApi docServerTestLetterPaper POST /DocServer/testLetterpaper Test a letter paper
DocServerApi docServerTestTemplate POST /DocServer/testTemplate Test a template
DocumentApi addDocument POST /Document Create a new document. Be aware that there wont be a working document with content!
DocumentApi deleteDocument DELETE /Document/{id} Delete an existing document
DocumentApi downloadDocument GET /Document/{id}/download Download a document
DocumentApi factoryAddDocument POST /Document/Factory/fileUpload Upload a file (creating a document)
DocumentApi getDocuments GET /Document Get an overview of all documents
DocumentApi updateDocument PUT /Document/{id} Update an existing document. Be aware that you can only update its parameter but not the content of the document itself!
DocumentApi updateDocumentStatusToTrashed PUT /Document/{id}/trash Update an existing documents status to 'TRASHED', be aware that this deletes the document
DocumentFolderApi addDocumentFolder POST /DocumentFolder Create a new document folder
DocumentFolderApi deleteDocumentFolder DELETE /DocumentFolder/{id} Delete an existing document folder
DocumentFolderApi emptyBin DELETE /DocumentFolder/emptyBin Delete all objects in the bin
DocumentFolderApi getDocumentFolderChildren GET /DocumentFolder/{id}/getChildren Returns children (documents and document folders) as 'nodes' and count of all children as 'total'
DocumentFolderApi getDocumentFolderDocuments GET /DocumentFolder/{id}/getDocuments Get an overview of all documents in a document folder
DocumentFolderApi getDocumentFolderFolders GET /DocumentFolder/{id}/getFolders Get an overview of all folders in a document folder
DocumentFolderApi getDocumentFolderPath GET /DocumentFolder/{id}/getPath Get path (all parent folders) of this folder
DocumentFolderApi getDocumentFolders GET /DocumentFolder Get an overview of all document folders
DocumentFolderApi trashDocumentFolder PUT /DocumentFolder/{id}/trash Trash an existing document folder
DocumentFolderApi updateDocumentFolder PUT /DocumentFolder/{id} Update an existing document folder
DocumentIndexApi getDocumentIndexes GET /DocumentIndex Get an overview of all document indexes
EmailApi addEmail POST /Email Create a new email
EmailApi deleteEmail DELETE /Email/{id} Delete an existing email
EmailApi getEmails GET /Email Get an overview of all emails
EmailApi updateEmail PUT /Email/{id} Update an existing email
EntryTypeApi addEntryType POST /EntryType Create a new entry type
EntryTypeApi deleteEntryType DELETE /EntryType/{id} Delete an existing entry type
EntryTypeApi entryTypeDeleteReferencedObjects DELETE /EntryType/{id}/deleteReferencedObjects Delete all objects bound to the specified entry type
EntryTypeApi getEntryTypes GET /EntryType Get an overview of all entry types
EntryTypeApi updateEntryType PUT /EntryType/{id} Update an existing entry type
ExportApi exportContactCsv GET /Export/contactCsv Export the specified contact as csv
ExportApi exportContactListCsv GET /Export/contactListCsv Export the contact list as csv
ExportApi exportDatev GET /Export/datev Datev export as zip with csv´s
ExportApi exportDatevZip GET /Export/datevZip Export zip for voucher upload
ExportApi exportInventoryPartLogList GET /Export/inventoryPartLogListCsv Export the inventory part log as csv
ExportApi exportInvoiceCsv GET /Export/invoiceCsv Export the invoice list as csv
ExportApi exportInvoiceZip GET /Export/invoiceZip Export the invoice list as zip with csv´s
ExportApi exportPartCsv GET /Export/partCsv Export the parts as csv
ExportApi exportPebe GET /Export/pebe Pebe export as zip with csv´s
ExportApi exportTransactionsCsv GET /Export/transactionsCsv Export the transactions as csv
ExportApi exportVoucherListCsv GET /Export/voucherListCsv Export the voucher list as csv
ExportApi exportVoucherZip GET /Export/voucherZip Export the voucher list as zip with csv´s
FeedApi addFeed POST /Feed Create a new action which will be displayed in the feed
FeedApi deleteFeed DELETE /Feed/{id} Delete an existing feed action
FeedApi getFeeds GET /Feed Get an overview of all actions from everyone, which will be displayed in the dashboard
FeedApi getParsedObjectAction GET /Feed/{id}/getParsedObjectAction Get more information about the specific feed object
FeedApi updateFeed PUT /Feed/{id} Update an existing Feed action
HelpApi helpGetArticle GET /Help/getArticle Get a specified article
HelpApi helpGetArticles GET /Help/getArticles Get all help articles for a specified section
HelpApi helpGetCategories GET /Help/getCategories Get all categories of help articles
HelpApi helpGetSections GET /Help/getSections Get all sections of help articles
HelpApi helpSearchArticles GET /Help/search Search for articles
InventoryPartLogApi addInventoryPartLog POST /InventoryPartLog Create a new inventory part log
InventoryPartLogApi deleteInventoryPartLog DELETE /InventoryPartLog/{id} Delete an existing inventory part log
InventoryPartLogApi getInventoryPartLog GET /InventoryPartLog Get an overview of InventoryPartLog
InventoryPartLogApi getInventoryPartLogStock GET /InventoryPartLog/{id}/getStock Get stock of inventory part involved in part log
InventoryPartLogApi updateInventoryPartLog PUT /InventoryPartLog/{id} Update an existing inventory part log
InvoiceApi addInvoice POST /Invoice Create a new invoice
InvoiceApi cancelInvoice GET /Invoice/{id}/cancel Cancel an invoice
InvoiceApi createInvoiceFromOrder POST /Invoice/Factory/createInvoiceFromOrder Create an new invoice from an existing order
InvoiceApi createInvoiceReminder POST /Invoice/Factory/createInvoiceReminder Create an invoice reminder
InvoiceApi deleteInvoice DELETE /Invoice/{id} Delete an existing invoice
InvoiceApi duplicateInvoice POST /Invoice/{id}/duplicate Duplicate an existing invoice
InvoiceApi getInvoiceAndReminderAmount GET /Invoice/Factory/getTotalInvoiceReminderAndInvoiceAmount Get amount of an invoice including reminders
InvoiceApi getInvoiceAsPdf GET /Invoice/{id}/getPdf Get the invoice as a PDF
InvoiceApi getInvoiceReminderAmount GET /Invoice/Factory/getTotalInvoiceReminderAmount Get (monetary) amount of all reminders of an invoice
InvoiceApi getInvoices GET /Invoice Get an overview of all invoices
InvoiceApi getNextInvoiceNumber GET /Invoice/Factory/getNextInvoiceNumber Get the next invoice number
InvoiceApi invoiceAddPosition PUT /Invoice/{id}/addPosition Add a position to an existing invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceBookAmount PUT /Invoice/{id}/bookAmmount Book amount for an invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceCalcTotalDebit GET /Invoice/calcTotalDebit Calculate total sum of all invoices of current query
InvoiceApi invoiceCalculateDunningLevel GET /Invoice/{id}/calculateDunningLevel Get dunning level of an invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceChangeStatus PUT /Invoice/{id}/changeStatus Change status of an invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetCancled GET /Invoice/{id}/getCancled Returns if an invoice is cancled
InvoiceApi invoiceGetCheckAccountTransactionLogs GET /Invoice/{id}/getCheckAccountTransactionLogs Get check account transaction logs about a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetCheckAccountTransactions GET /Invoice/{id}/getCheckAccountTransactions Get check account transactions of a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetDebit GET /Invoice/{id}/getDebit Get debit of an invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetDelinquent GET /Invoice/{id}/getDelinquent Get if an invoice is delinquent
InvoiceApi invoiceGetDiscounts GET /Invoice/{id}/getDiscounts Get the discounts of a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetDocument GET /Invoice/{id}/getDocument Get document of an invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetDunnings GET /Invoice/{id}/getDunnings Get invoice dunnings
InvoiceApi invoiceGetFeed GET /Invoice/{id}/getFeed Get the feed of a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetFinalInvoiceId GET /Invoice/{id}/getFinalInvoiceId Get final invoice id
InvoiceApi invoiceGetIsPartiallyPaid GET /Invoice/{id}/getIsPartiallyPaid Returns if the invoice is partially payed
InvoiceApi invoiceGetLastDunningDate GET /Invoice/{id}/getLastDunningDate Get last dunning date of invoice as timestamp
InvoiceApi invoiceGetPartialInvoices GET /Invoice/{id}/getPartialInvoices Get partial invoices of a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetPositions GET /Invoice/{id}/getPositions Get the positions of a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetRelatedObjects GET /Invoice/{id}/getRelatedObjects Get related objects of a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetSwissEsr GET /Invoice/getSwissEsr Get swiss esr
InvoiceApi invoiceGetSwissEsrData GET /Invoice/getSwissEsrData Get swiss esr data
InvoiceApi invoiceGetTags GET /Invoice/{id}/getTags Get the tags of a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetTax GET /Invoice/{id}/getTax Get invoice tax amount in invoice currency
InvoiceApi invoiceGetTaxGroups GET /Invoice/{id}/getTaxGroupes Get tax groups of invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetTotal GET /Invoice/{id}/getTotal Get gross invoice amount in invoice currency
InvoiceApi invoiceGetTotalCalc GET /Invoice/{id}/getTotalCalc Get total invoice amount in invoice currency
InvoiceApi invoiceGetTotalNet GET /Invoice/{id}/getTotalNet Get total net invoice amount in invoice currency
InvoiceApi invoiceHasDiscounts GET /Invoice/{id}/hasDiscounts Returns if the specified invoice has discounts
InvoiceApi invoiceIsOrigin GET /Invoice/{id}/isOrigin Returns if the specified invoice is the origin of an order
InvoiceApi invoiceMarkAsSent PUT /Invoice/{id}/markAsSent Marks an invoice as sent
InvoiceApi invoiceRefundAmount PUT /Invoice/{id}/refundAmmount Refund an already payed invoice amount
InvoiceApi invoiceRender POST /Invoice/{id}/render Render invoice document on docserver and return metadata
InvoiceApi invoiceSendBy PUT /Invoice/{id}/sendBy Send invoice by desired method
InvoiceApi saveInvoice POST /Invoice/Factory/saveInvoice Create a new invoice (with / without invoice positions and discounts)
InvoiceApi sendInvoiceViaEmail POST /Invoice/{id}/sendViaEmail Send an invoice via Email
InvoiceApi sendInvoiceViaPost POST /Invoice/{id}/sendViaPost Send an invoice via Letter
InvoiceApi updateInvoice PUT /Invoice/{id} Update an existing invoice
InvoiceLogApi addInvoiceLog POST /InvoiceLog Create a new invoice log
InvoiceLogApi deleteInvoiceLog DELETE /InvoiceLog/{id} Delete an existing invoice log
InvoiceLogApi getInvoiceLogs GET /InvoiceLog Get an overview of invoice logs
InvoiceLogApi updateInvoiceLog PUT /InvoiceLog/{id} Update an existing invoice log
InvoicePosApi addInvoicePos POST /InvoicePos Create a new invoice position
InvoicePosApi deleteInvoicePos DELETE /InvoicePos/{id} Delete an existing invoice position
InvoicePosApi getInvoicePositions GET /InvoicePos Get an overview of all invoice positions
InvoicePosApi updateInvoicePos PUT /InvoicePos/{id} Update an existing invoice position
LetterApi addLetter POST /Letter Create a new letter
LetterApi deleteLetter DELETE /Letter/{id} Delete an existing letter
LetterApi getLetters GET /Letter Get an overview of all letters
LetterApi letterGetPdf GET /Letter/{id}/getPdf Get pdf from docserver
LetterApi letterRender POST /Letter/{id}/render Render a letter to the docserver and return the metadata
LetterApi letterSendBy PUT /Letter/{id}/sendBy Update parameter sendType
LetterApi letterSendViaMail POST /Letter/{id}/sendViaEmail Send a letter via mail
LetterApi letterSendViaPost POST /Letter/{id}/sendViaPost Send a letter via post
LetterApi updateLetter PUT /Letter/{id} Update an existing letter
ObjectUsedApi getObjectUsed GET /ObjectUsed Get an overview of all objects used
ObjectViewedApi getObjectViewed GET /ObjectViewed Get an overview of objects viewed
OrderApi addOrder POST /Order Create a new order
OrderApi copyOrder POST /Order/{id}/copy Copy an existing order
OrderApi deleteOrder DELETE /Order/{id} Delete an existing order
OrderApi duplicateOrder POST /Order/{id}/duplicate Duplicate an existing order
OrderApi getNextOrderNumber GET /Order/Factory/getNextOrderNumber Get the next order number
OrderApi getOrderDiscounts GET /Order/{id}/getDiscounts Get all order discounts
OrderApi getOrders GET /Order Get an overview of all orders
OrderApi orderChangeStatus PUT /Order/{id}/changeStatus Update status of an existing order
OrderApi orderGetChargeableInformation GET /Order/{id}/getChargeableInformation Get sum charged already, total net, gross and tax amount and tax rate
OrderApi orderGetChargeableSums GET /Order/{id}/getChargeableSums Get total net, gross and tax amount of order
OrderApi orderGetMainOrderByLogs GET /Order/{id}/getMainOrderByLogs Get main order by checking if there are existing order logs of the specified order
OrderApi orderGetPdf GET /Order/{id}/getPdf Get the order as a pdf
OrderApi orderGetPositions GET /Order/{id}/getPositions Get all order positions
OrderApi orderGetRelatedObjects GET /Order/{id}/getRelatedObjects Get related objects of a specified order
OrderApi orderGetTags GET /Order/{id}/getTags Get tags of the specified order
OrderApi orderGetTax GET /Order/{id}/getTax Get sum tax of the specified order
OrderApi orderGetTaxGroupes GET /Order/{id}/getTaxGroupes Get tax groups of the specified order
OrderApi orderGetTotal GET /Order/{id}/getTotal Get sum gross of the specified order
OrderApi orderGetTotalCalc GET /Order/{id}/getTotalCalc Get total gross amount of order
OrderApi orderGetTotalNet GET /Order/{id}/getTotalNet Get total net amount of order
OrderApi orderRender POST /Order/{id}/render Render the order document on doc server and return the metadata
OrderApi orderSendBy PUT /Order/{id}/sendBy Send an order by the desired send type
OrderApi sendOrderViaEmail POST /Order/{id}/sendViaEmail Send an order via Email
OrderApi sendOrderViaPost POST /Order/{id}/sendViaPost Send an order via post
OrderApi updateOrder PUT /Order/{id} Update an existing order
OrderLogApi addOrderLog POST /OrderLog Create a new order log
OrderLogApi deleteOrderLog DELETE /OrderLog/{id} Delete an existing order log
OrderLogApi getOrderLogs GET /OrderLog Get an overview of order logs
OrderLogApi updateOrderLog PUT /OrderLog/{id} Update an existing order log
OrderPosApi addOrderPos POST /OrderPos Create a new order position
OrderPosApi deleteOrderPos DELETE /OrderPos/{id} Delete an existing order position
OrderPosApi getOrderPositions GET /OrderPos Get an overview of all order positions
OrderPosApi updateOrderPos PUT /OrderPos/{id} Update an existing order position
PartApi addPart POST /Part Create a new part
PartApi bookPart PUT /Part/{id}/book add / remove parts from the stock
PartApi deletePart DELETE /Part/{id} Delete an existing part
PartApi duplicatePart POST /Part/{id}/duplicate Duplicate an existing part
PartApi getParts GET /Part Get an overview of all parts
PartApi partGetLastLog GET /Part/{id}/getLastLog Get last log about the part
PartApi partGetPrice GET /Part/{id}/getPrice Get price of a specified part
PartApi partGetStock GET /Part/{id}/getStock Get stock of the part
PartApi partGetStockBefore GET /Part/{id}/getStockBefore Get stock difference of the part before a specified date
PartApi updatePart PUT /Part/{id} Update an existing part
PartContactPriceApi addPartContactPrice POST /PartContactPrice Create a new part contact price
PartContactPriceApi deletePartContactPrice DELETE /PartContactPrice/{id} Delete an existing part contact price
PartContactPriceApi getPartContactPrices GET /PartContactPrice Get an overview of all part contact prices
PartContactPriceApi updatePartContactPrice PUT /PartContactPrice/{id} Update an existing part contact price
PartUnityApi addPartUnity POST /PartUnity Create a new part unity
PartUnityApi deletePartUnity DELETE /PartUnity/{id} Delete an existing part unity
PartUnityApi getPartUnities GET /PartUnity Get an overview of all part unities
PartUnityApi updatePartUnity PUT /PartUnity/{id} Update an existing part unity
PaymentMethodApi addPaymentMethod POST /PaymentMethod Create a new payment method
PaymentMethodApi deletePaymentMethod DELETE /PaymentMethod/{id} Delete an existing payment method
PaymentMethodApi getPaymentMethods GET /PaymentMethod Get an overview of all payment methods
PaymentMethodApi updatePaymentMethod PUT /PaymentMethod/{id} Update an existing payment method
PlaceApi getPlaces GET /Place Get an overview of all places
ReportApi reportContact GET /Report/contact Export the contact
ReportApi reportContactList GET /Report/contactlist Export the contact list
ReportApi reportInventory GET /Report/inventory Export the inventory
ReportApi reportInvoiceList GET /Report/invoicelist Export the invoicelist
ReportApi reportOrderList GET /Report/orderlist Export the order list
ReportApi reportProfitAndLoss GET /Report/profitAndLoss Export the profit and loss
ReportApi reportRegisterBook GET /Report/registerBook Export the register book / cash report
ReportApi reportVoucherList GET /Report/voucherlist Export the voucher list
SearchApi search GET /Search/search Search for a specified term
SevClientApi sevClientGetSevDeskAccountInvoices GET /SevClient/getSevDeskAccountInvoices Get sevDesk account invoices
SevClientConfigApi getSevClientConfig GET /SevClientConfig Get an overview of your sevClient config
SevClientConfigApi updateSevClientConfig PUT /SevClientConfig/{id} Update an existing sevClient config
SevSequenceApi getSevSequence GET /SevSequence Get an overview of all object sequences
SevTokenApi getSevTokens GET /SevToken Get an overview of all sevTokens
SevUserApi getSevUser GET /SevUser Get an overview of your sevUser
SevUserApi sevUserGetApiToken GET /SevUser/getApiToken Get the api token of your user
SevUserApi sevUserGetInstance GET /SevUser/getInstance Get instance of the sevUser
SevUserApi sevUserGetJwt GET /SevUser/getJwt Get Json Web Token of the user
SevUserApi sevUserGetQRLoginData GET /SevUser/getQRLoginData Get QR login data of the sevUser
SevUserApi sevUserIsAllowed GET /SevUser/isAllowed Return if user has access to a specific resource
StaticCountryApi getStaticCountry GET /StaticCountry Get staticCountry list
StaticCountryApi getStaticIndustry GET /StaticIndustry Get staticIndustry list
StaticReferralProgramApi getStaticReferralPrograms GET /StaticReferralProgram Get staticReferralProgram list
SubscriptionHistoryApi getSubscriptionHistory GET /SubscriptionHistory Get an overview of your subscription history
SubscriptionTypeApi getSubscriptionTypes GET /SubscriptionType Get an overview of all subscription types
SwissEsrApi getSwissEsr GET /SwissEsr Get an overview of swiss esr
TagApi addTag POST /Tag Create a new tag
TagApi deleteTag DELETE /Tag/{id} Delete an existing tag
TagApi getTags GET /Tag Get an overview of all tags
TagApi updateTag PUT /Tag/{id} Update an existing tag
TagRelationApi addTagRelation POST /TagRelation Create a new tag relation
TagRelationApi deleteTagRelation DELETE /TagRelation/{id} Delete an existing tag relation
TagRelationApi getTagRelations GET /TagRelation Get an overview of all tag relations
TagRelationApi updateTagRelation PUT /TagRelation/{id} Update an existing tag relation
TaskApi addTask POST /Task Create a new task
TaskApi deleteTask DELETE /Task/{id} Delete an existing task
TaskApi getTasks GET /Task Get an overview of all tasks
TaskApi updateTask PUT /Task/{id} Update an existing Task
TaxSetApi addTaxSet POST /TaxSet Create a new tax set
TaxSetApi deleteTaxSet DELETE /TaxSet/{id} Delete an existing tax set
TaxSetApi getTaxSets GET /TaxSet Get an overview of all tax sets
TaxSetApi updateTaxSet PUT /TaxSet/{id} Update an existing tax set
TextTemplateApi addTextTemplate POST /TextTemplate Create a new text template
TextTemplateApi deleteTextTemplate DELETE /TextTemplate/{id} Delete an existing text template
TextTemplateApi getTextTemplate GET /TextTemplate Get an overview of all text template
TextTemplateApi updateTextTemplate PUT /TextTemplate/{id} Update an existing text template
UnityApi addUnity POST /Unity Create a new unity
UnityApi deleteUnity DELETE /Unity/{id} Delete an existing unity
UnityApi getUnities GET /Unity Get an overview of all unities
UnityApi updateUnity PUT /Unity/{id} Update an existing Unity
VatReportApi getVatReport GET /VatReport Get a vat report for a defined period of time
VoucherApi addVoucher POST /Voucher Create a new voucher
VoucherApi deleteVoucher DELETE /Voucher/{id} Delete an existing voucher
VoucherApi getVouchers GET /Voucher Get an overview of all vouchers
VoucherApi saveVoucher POST /Voucher/Factory/saveVoucher Create a new voucher
VoucherApi updateVoucher PUT /Voucher/{id} Update an existing voucher
VoucherApi voucherBookAmount PUT /Voucher/{id}/bookAmmount Book an amount for a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherChangeStatus PUT /Voucher/{id}/changeStatus Change status of a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherDeleteDocument DELETE /Voucher/{id}/deleteDocument Delete the document of an existing voucher
VoucherApi voucherExtractThumb GET /Voucher/Factory/extractThumb Extract file thumb
VoucherApi voucherGetAccountingTypes GET /Voucher/{id}/getAccountingTypes Get the accounting types of a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherGetCheckAccountTransactionLogs GET /Voucher/{id}/getCheckAccountTransactionLogs Get the check account transaction logs of a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherGetCheckAccountTransactions GET /Voucher/{id}/getCheckAccountTransactions Get the check account transactions of a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherGetCurrency GET /Voucher/{id}/getCurrency Get the currency of a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherGetDebit GET /Voucher/{id}/getDebit Get unpaid amount of a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherGetDelinquent GET /Voucher/{id}/getDelinquent Return if the voucher is delinquent
VoucherApi voucherGetDependingRecurringVouchers GET /Voucher/{id}/getDependingRecurringVouchers Get the depending recurring vouchers of a specified origin voucher
VoucherApi voucherGetDocumentImage GET /Voucher/{id}/getDocumentImage Returns the base64 encoded preview content of the vouchers document
VoucherApi voucherGetTaxGroups GET /Voucher/{id}/getTaxGroupes Get an overview of all vouchers
VoucherApi voucherMarkAsOpen PUT /Voucher/{id}/markAsOpen Mark a specified voucher as open
VoucherApi voucherMarkAsPaid PUT /Voucher/{id}/markAsPaid Mark a specified voucher as paid
VoucherApi voucherRefundAmount PUT /Voucher/{id}/refundAmmount Refund an amount for a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherUploadTempFile POST /Voucher/Factory/uploadTempFile Upload a temporary file to be used later
VoucherLogApi addVoucherLogEntry POST /VoucherLog Create a new voucher log entry
VoucherLogApi deleteVoucherLogEntry DELETE /VoucherLog/{id} Delete an existing voucher log entry
VoucherLogApi getVoucherLog GET /VoucherLog Get an overview of all voucher log entries
VoucherLogApi updateVoucherLogEntry PUT /VoucherLog/{id} Update an existing voucher log entry
VoucherPosApi addVoucherPos POST /VoucherPos Create a new voucher position
VoucherPosApi deleteVoucherPos DELETE /VoucherPos/{id} Delete an existing voucher position
VoucherPosApi getVoucherPositions GET /VoucherPos Get an overview of all voucher positions
VoucherPosApi updateVoucherPos PUT /VoucherPos/{id} Update an existing voucher position
VoucherPosApi voucherPosGetAdditionalInformation GET /VoucherPos/{id}/getAdditionalInfo Get additional information about the asset which is connected to a specified voucher position
VoucherPosApi voucherPosGetAssetInstance GET /VoucherPos/{id}/getAssetInstance Get the asset which is connected to a specified voucher position

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: token
  • Location: URL query string
