Cookies BotNet Webgui

Very reliable botnet with a website as the cnc

I created this a very long ago and never ended up finshing it so have fun!

⚙️ 〢 Commands

> Admin Check
> Jiggle Cursor
> System Info
> Stress CPU
> Ddos
> Attack
> Keylogger
> Run Scripts
> Download Files
> Shell

📁 〢 Getting Started

  1. Run setup.exe to install required python packages

  2. Run BotNet Builder.exe

  3. Build a client payload & server

What IP & PORT?

How to get your PC's local IP here

Client IP: PC's local IP
Client Port: Any port

Server IP: PC's local IP
Server Port: Same port as client
Server Host (Webgui) IP: PC's local IP
Server Host (Webgui) Port: Any port but NOT the same as the client

📌 〢 Todo/Enhancements

  • Add favicon

  • Make output box padding on left and right and top and bottom then height and width of box is automaticly set

  • Add command to search for a file on the client with the name of the file (not the path (take the name of the file from a list seperated by a space))

  • Add little description of the command when section is chosen

  • Add process control command (be able to block a process from running)

  • Fix sysinfo breaking everything and only returning "pong"

  • Switch shell over to run cmd commands otherwise they break the shell

  • Add network scanner command

  • Create a list bots commands

  • Add check if command inputs are valid

  • Fix ddos command

  • Add a seperate proxy scraper & checker to the builder

  • Put ddos commands on seperate web page

  • Switch ddos / attack commands to one command & change to MHDDoS

  • Add back attack command

  • Add port scanner command (scan clients network for open ports (local and public))

  • Add a live keylogger (seperate page, updates output every second, once turned on, it will also have another button to turn off)


  • Add full input validation (regex)
  • Add a select box to sysinfo (to choose between: cpu, memory, drives, network, etc)
  • Add console CNC (command line CNC) so user can choose between webgui CNC and console CNC
  • Create a command queue system (to stop everything breaking if commands are ran at the same time)

💭 〢 Change Log

beta v1.0.0 ⋮ 2022-08-23
+ stable beta version dropped

beta v1.0.0 ⋮ 2022-08-18
+ beta version dropped

alpha v1.0.0 ⋮ 2022-08-17
+ alpha version dropped

👤 〢 Author