Highly reliable botnet created in 100% python for Educational Purposes Only

Primary LanguagePython



Highly reliable, botnet
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🌐 〢 Content

🎯 〢 About

Do not scan the client compiled exe with any antivirus software, or it will be detected and rendered useless!

A botnet is a group of Internet-connected devices such as laptops, computors and servers, each of which runs one or more bots. Botnets can be used to steal data, send spam, and allow the attacker to access the device and its connection. The owner can control the botnet using command and control software over a very clean and modern GUI.

Eachd command has been created in mind to stop all crashes and unexpected fails meaning u never have to worry about loosing your connection. Open ports will be needed to be able to connect to the target machines. There are also many of ways to infect a device such a remote infection or the victim running a malious malawre application.

⚙️ 〢 Commands

DDOS (Layer4 & Layer7)  - Gain shell access
Gain shell access       - Gain shell access
List Connected          - List all connected zombies
Grab sysinfo            - Grab system information
Admin Check             - Check if client is running payload as admin
Kill Client             - Stop running payload on target machine
Set Colors              - Set the colors of the GUI
Clear                   - Clears the console
Exit                    - Exit the program
help                    - Display help command

✅ 〢 Requirements

Before starting 🏁, you are required to have Python 3.8 - 3.9 installed and added to path.

📌 〢 Todo/Enhancements

  • Clean builder and obfusecate the code before compliling
  • Add network attack commands and network scanner
  • Add ddos commands (Layer4 | Layer7)
  • Maybe remote import the client commands
  • Client will backdoor itself into the target machine making the payload run on startup and undeleteable

💭 〢 Change Log

v1.2.0 ⋮ 2022-09-26
+ Added ddos commands (Layer4 | Layer7)
+ Added auto scrape proxies for ddos commands

v1.1.0 ⋮ 2022-09-22
+ Added network scanner & attack commands

v1.0.0 ⋮ 2022-09-21
+ Initial commit

🤝 〢 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.

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