Python plugin to monitor temperature, memory usage, etc. from a Raspberry Pi.
Forked from
Only works on Raspberry Pi
The following parameters are displayed:
Name | Description |
SoC temperature | Shows the current SoC temperature |
CPU memory | Size of allocated memory for CPU |
GPU memory | Size of allocated memory for GPU (specified with eg. raspi-config) |
Memory usage | Percentage of CPU memory in use |
CPU usage | Percentage of CPU usage |
CPU speed | Current CPU speed |
Up time | Up time of the Pi, in sec, minutes, hours or days |
Connections | Number of active network connections |
Core voltage | Core voltage |
SDRAM C voltage | SDRAM C voltage |
SDRAM I voltage | SDRAM I voltage |
SDRAM P voltage | SDRAM P voltage |
Domoticz memory | Amount of memory used by Domoticz |