
Python plugin to monitor temperature, memory usage, etc. from a Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python plugin to monitor temperature, memory usage, etc. from a Raspberry Pi.

Forked from https://github.com/Xorfor/Domoticz-PiMonitor-Plugin


Only works on Raspberry Pi




The following parameters are displayed:

Name Description
SoC temperature Shows the current SoC temperature
CPU memory Size of allocated memory for CPU
GPU memory Size of allocated memory for GPU (specified with eg. raspi-config)
Memory usage Percentage of CPU memory in use
CPU usage Percentage of CPU usage
CPU speed Current CPU speed
Up time Up time of the Pi, in sec, minutes, hours or days
Connections Number of active network connections
Core voltage Core voltage
SDRAM C voltage SDRAM C voltage
SDRAM I voltage SDRAM I voltage
SDRAM P voltage SDRAM P voltage
Domoticz memory Amount of memory used by Domoticz