
Providing Future to everyone, free of charge

Crystallinqq | cookiedragon234/mastercooker | Tigermouthbear

Future for Everyone

Future Player Assistance Mod: The player assistance utility mod not ideal for anarchy servers

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Future for Everyone™ is a project aimed at providing Future Player Assistance Mod to everyone free of charge. We believe in free proprietary software and Open Source Software (OSS) license compliance. At Future for Everyone™, we have dedicated time to reverse engineering Future Player Assistance Mod and its obfuscation methods to accomplish our goals.


  • We are not the maintainers of Future, we only provide modified jars for the public that free the constraints in place by the original jars.
  • This is also a PoC and very buggy. No support will be provided for this release due to the buggy nature of it.
  • Asking for support in the CCC discord for this release will result in a permanent ban.

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  • Crystallinqq: Removal of authentication, dumping mixin cfgs, refmaps, acquiring a dump of the class files for Future Client, fixing modules/crashes and writing FCL
  • cookiedragon234: Writing the original dumper (not used for the actual dump lololl) Deobfuscating the client classes (using binscure would've been a better choice, 0x), helping write FCL, fixing modules/crashes and fixing certain classes
  • Tigermouthbear: Assisting in writing FCL and other reversing efforts.
  • megyn: Running a dumper for Crystallinqq because qq's HWID wasn't reset so couldn't dump
  • ???: Providing a partial deobf of the Future Client loader.


How to install Future For Everyone™

    1. Go to https://github.com/CoolClientCollectorz/future-for-everyone/releases
    1. Scroll down to assets, open the dropdown, then download the top file
    1. Move the downloaded file into your mods folder
    1. Go to the installations tab in your launcher and click the 3 dots to the left of the forge installation then click edit
    1. On the next screen click 'more options' then add -noverify to the beginning of the JVM Arguments
    1. Click save, then run minecraft forge


Message to 0x/Kalju: dmca if ur a pedophile, a registered sex offender, british and if you groom children ccc 4eva :^)