
A highly professional optimizer for Stanford Flight

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A highly professional optimizer for Stanford Flight

Getting Started


Install Pipenv

Pipenv is a cool package that lets us create a virtual environment, so that everyone is running on the samve version of python with the same packages.

Install and use pipenv

If pipenv says bash: parse_git_branch: command not found, the issue is that your .bashrc file in your home directory doesn't have the git branch parsing function. Edit your ~/.bashrc file to add the following:

# Git branch in prompt.
parse_git_branch() {
    git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'

Run Pipenv

Start your pipenv virtual environment with pipenv shell. Run files with pipenv run python filename.py.

Quit Pipenv

Exit the pipenv virtual environment with the exit command, or ctrl+d.


For Mac OSX only, you will need to follow these instructions to avoid the ImportError: Python is not installed as a framework. The Mac OS X backend will not be able to function correctly if Python is not installed as a framework. error.


How to edit this markdown file without effin it up

Capitalization for files and classes

  • ClassName
  • file_name (aka. module_name)
  • variable_name
  • function_name

Running the Program

Once the pipenv shell is activated, run the program from the home directory with pipenv run python src/go_plane_go.py.