
TastyWorks trading platform packaged as a snap for compatibility with Ubuntu 16.04

The UnlicenseUnlicense


This is UNOFFICIAL snap for TastyWorks trading platform.
Latest version of TastyWorks doesn't work on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS .
This snap brings compatibility with all versions of Ubuntu.

Build yourself

sudo snap install snapcraft --classic
git clone https://github.com/CoolSpot/tastyworks-snap
cd tastyworks-snap
snap install tastyworks-unofficial*.snap --dangerous

"dangerous" flag is necessary above because self-built snap is unsigned.

Install from snap store

sudo snap install tastyworks-unofficial

Known Issues

  1. AppArmor logs show denied access to "/var/lib/snapd/desktop/icons/".
    This is known issue of snap itself. See forum.
  2. Sound doesn't work. It is known issue of JavaFX under snap. See forum.
  3. If the snap doesn't work and running it from terminal gives you a long Java Exception trace ending with
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at TastyJavaFx//com.sun.javafx.font.LogicalFont.<init>(LogicalFont.java:181)
    That is likely caused by a corrupted font cache. To rebuild the font cache do the following in the terminal:
    sudo rm /var/cache/fontconfig/*
    rm ~/.cache/fontconfig/*
    fc-cache -r