
This gem will help you to add robokassa support to your app.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

About this fork

Everything I didn't need is removed. Added signature verification where possible. Fixed a lot of stuff that didn't work for me


This gem adds robokassa support to your app.

Robokassa is payment system, that provides a single simple interface for payment systems popular in Russia. If you have customers in Russia you can use the gem.

The first thing about this gem, is that it was oribinally desgned for spree commerce. So keep it im mind.

Using the Gem

Add the following line to your app Gemfile

gem 'glebtv-robokassa'

Update your bundle

bundle install

Mount engine in routes: mount Robokassa::Engine => '/robokassa'

Create config/initializers/robokassa.rb with such code

    class RoboCustom < Robokassa::Interface
      def success_implementation(invoice_id, amount, language, custom_options, controller)
        # this is called to show user payment success page
        # Mostly secure to rely on

      def fail_implementation(invoice_id, amount, language, custom_options, controller)
        # this is called to show user payment fail page and unlock inventory stocks for order
        # INSECURE

      def notify_implementation(invoice_id, amount, custom_options, controller)
        # this is called by robokassa server, to actually validate payment
        # Secure.

    Robokassa.interface = RoboCustom.new({
      language: 'ru',
      test_mode: true,
      login: 'robox_login',
      password1: 'asdf1234',
      password2: 'qwer5678',
      token: 'qwer1234' # "robokassa/notify/:token"

In View file:

<% pay_url = Robokassa.interface.init_payment_url(order.id, order.amount, "Order #{order}", '', 'ru', order.user.email, {}) %>
<%= link_to "Оплатить через сервис ROBOX", pay_url %>

In Robokassa account settings set:

Result URL: http://example.com/robokassa/notify
Success URL: http://example.com/robokassa/success
Fail URL: http://example.com/robokassa/fail

To overwrite controller you can do like this:

# coding: utf-8
class RobokassaController < Robokassa::Controller
  def success
    @payment = Payment.find(params[:InvId])
    redirect_to dashboard_path, notice: "Ваш платеж на сумму #{@payment.amount} руб. успешно принят. Спасибо!"

  def fail
    redirect_to dashboard_path, varning: "Во время принятия платежа возникла ошибка. Мы скоро разберемся!"


In console:

Clone gem

git clone git://github.com/shaggyone/robokassa.git

Install gems and generate a dummy application (It'll be ignored by git):

cd robokassa
bundle install
bundle exec combust

Run specs:

rake spec

Generate a dummy test application


I plan to add generators for views