
An Android library for validating card details (Card Number, CVC/CVV, Expiration Date). Written in Kotlin.

Primary LanguageKotlin


A simple Android project for validating card details (Card Number, CVC/CVV, Expiration Date). Written in Kotlin.

Comes with CardUtilTest test class for you to see it at work in a glance.

Validation: Card Number

  • Length (supported length is minimum of 12, maximum of 19)
  • Card type/brand (By default, all card types are supported but you can also set the library to support only your choice of card types)
    • Types/Brands supported: Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, DinersClub, Discover, JCB
  • Luhn algorithm / Modulus 10

Validation: CVC/CVV

  • Check for input to be > 0
  • Length (supported length is 3-4 digits)

Validation: Expiration Date

  • Check for month input to be within the range 1-12
  • Check for year input to be > 0
  • Check for lapsed MM/YYYY input

Coming soon:

  • Customizable views for Card Number, CVC/CVV, and Expiration Date