
College Project - Basic Implementation of Scrabble with working AI (C# Windows Forms)

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Basic Implementation of Scrabble with working AI (C# Windows Form)

This was a project I created for my A Level Computer Science assessment. I found it difficult to find examples to learn from so I thought uploading mine may help someone in the future.

This project is not efficient at all, and mainly just for demonstration of different algorithms and methods of programming. Some features were never finished due to time constraints and I don't intend on finishing them. An example of this is multiplayer, The basics of TCP communication are there but no work started on implemetation into actual gameplay. (Server files included).

Key Working Features

  • Efficient data structure for possible word storage
  • Working dynamic image handler that can dynamically create, move and edit images in a form
  • (VERY) basic game engine with all functions required for game logic
  • Basic AI that can generate best possible moves avaliable on the board using its current hand of tiles

Published under MIT License