
Primary LanguageTeX

Template Project

This repository provides a template project structure. Each analysis project (e.g. planned publication) should be located in its own Rproject folder and any python analysis not directly connected to analysis (e.g. moving data or matching participants) should be saved in the Pyproject folder.


This should contain the following folders:

  • data/
    • contains the final clean csv for data analysis
  • figs/
    • an output folder to store figures made in the Rmd file
  • funcs/
    • contains any defined functions to be included in the Rmd file
  • templates/
    • contains the latex template files used to create the Rmd file

It also contains the following files:


  • this is the BibTeX file used to populate your reference list (export from your reference manager)


  • this sets some predefined settings for your project (you will need to edit this)


  • this file is generated from the Rmd file and contains up-to-date detailed information on all R packages and versions used in the Rmd file


  • Rproject file, used by Rstudio for the current R project


  • the Rmarkdown file containing all analysis and text for manuscript


  • template pre-registration file which should be completed and uploaded to an OSF project before starting the analysis.


  • contains all information pertaining to the saved OSF preregistration and project link


This file should be initiated with pipenv shell. This contains any python code used in the projects as well as the following files:

Pipfile & Pipfile.lock

  • these files are generated by pipenv and contain all the necessary information to replicate the python environment used for the python code