Little Shop

BE Mod 2 Week 2/3 Pair Project

Background and Description

"Little Shop" is a fictitious e-commerce platform where users can place items into a shopping cart and 'check out' to create Orders in the database.

Students will be put into pairs to complete the project.

Learning Goals


  • Describe use cases for a model that inherits from ApplicationRecord vs. a PORO
  • Use MVC to organize code effectively, limiting the amount of logic included in views and controllers
  • Make use of flash messages
  • Use Inheritance from ApplicationController or a student created controller to store methods that will be used in multiple controllers
  • Use POROs to logically organize code for objects not stored in the database


  • Use built-in ActiveRecord methods to:
  • create queries that calculate, select, filter, and order data from a single table


  • Describe Database Relationships, including the following terms:
  • Many to Many
  • Join Table

Testing and Debugging

  • Write feature tests utilizing
  • Sad Path Testing
  • Write model tests with RSpec including validations, and class and instance methods

Web Applications

  • Explain how Cookies/Sessions are used to create and maintain application state
  • Describe and implement ReSTful routing
  • Identify use cases for, and implement non-ReSTful routes
  • Identify the different components of URLs(protocol, domain, path, query params)


  • must use Rails 5.1.x
  • must use PostgreSQL
  • all controller and model code must be tested via feature tests and model tests, respectively
  • must use good GitHub branching, team code reviews via GitHub comments, and use of a project planning tool
  • must include a README to describe their project


  • use FactoryBot to speed up your test development
  • use "rails generators" to speed up your app development

Not Permitted

  • do not use JavaScript for pagination or sorting controls


  • if there is a specific gem you'd like to use in the project, please get permission from your instructors first

User Stories

[ ] done

User Story 1, Deploy your application to Heroku

As a visitor or user of the site
I will perform all user stories
By visiting the application on Heroku.
Localhost is fine for development, but
the application must be hosted on Heroku.


Users should be able to navigate the application using only links/buttons.

[ ] done

User Story 2, Item Link Navigation

As a visitor
With the exception of an item's show page,
Anywhere I see an item name on the site,
I can click on the item name to go to that item's show page.
[ ] done

User Story 3, Merchant Link Navigation

As a Visitor
With the exception of an merchant's show page,
Anywhere I see an merchant name on the site,
I can click on the merchant name to go to that merchant's show page.

Item Reviews

Users will be able to review items

[ ] done

User Story 4, Reviews on Item Show Page

As a visitor,
When I visit an item's show page,
I see a list of reviews for that item
Each review will have:
- title
- content of the review
- rating (1 to 5)
[ ] done

User Story 5, Review Creation

As a visitor,
When I visit an item's show page
I see a link to add a new review for this item.
When I click on this link, I am taken to a new review path
On this new page, I see a form where I must enter:
- a review title
- a numeric rating that can only be a number from 1 to 5
- some text for the review itself
When the form is submitted, I should return to that item's
show page and I should see my review text.
[ ] done

User Story 6, Review Creation, cont.

As a visitor,
When I fail to fully complete the new review form, but still try to submit the form
I see a flash message indicating that I need to complete the form in order to submit a review
[ ] done

User Story 7, Review Statistics

As a visitor
When I visit an item's show page,
I see an area on the page for statistics about reviews:
- the top three reviews for this item (title and rating only)
- the bottom three reviews for this item  (title and rating only)
- the average rating of all reviews for this item
[ ] done

User Story 8, Edit a Review

As a visitor,
When I visit an item's show page
I see a link to edit the review next to each review.
When I click on this link, I am taken to an edit review path
On this new page, I see a form that includes:
- title
- numeric rating
- text of the review itself
I can update any of these fields and submit the form.
When the form is submitted, I should return to that item's
show page and I should see my updated review
[ ] done

User Story 9, Delete a review

As a visitor,
When I visit an item's show page,
I see a link next to each review to delete the review.
When I delete a review I am returned to the item's show page
Then I should no longer see that review.

Cart & Order

Users will be able to add items to a cart, and check out to create orders in the database.

[ ] done

User Story 10, Cart Indicator

As a visitor
I see a cart indicator in my navigation bar
The cart indicator shows a count of items in my cart
I can see this cart indicator from any page in the application
[ ] done

User Story 11, Cart Creation

As a visitor
When I visit an item's show page from the items index
I see a link or button to add this item to my cart
And I click this link or button
I am returned to the item index page
I see a flash message indicating the item has been added to my cart
The cart indicator in the navigation bar increments my cart count
[ ] done

User Story 12, Cart Show Page

As a visitor
When I have added items to my cart
And I visit my cart ("/cart")
I see all items I've added to my cart
Each item in my cart shows the following information:
- the name of the item
- the item image
- the merchant I'm buying this item from
- the price of the item
- my desired quantity of the item
- a subtotal (price multiplied by quantity)
I also see a grand total of what everything in my cart will cost
[ ] done

User Story 13, Empty Cart Show Page

As a visitor
When I add NO items to my cart yet
And I visit my cart ("/cart")
I see a message that my cart is empty
I do NOT see the link to empty my cart
[ ] done

User Story 14, Emptying Cart

As a visitor
When I have items in my cart
And I visit my cart ("/cart")
And I click the link to empty my cart
Then I am returned to my cart
All items have been completely removed from my cart
The navigation bar shows 0 items in my cart
[ ] done

User Story 15, Removing Item from Cart

As a visitor
When I have items in my cart
And I visit my cart
Next to each item in my cart
I see a button or link to remove that item from my cart
- clicking this button will remove the item but not other items
[ ] done

User Story 16, Adding Item Quantity to Cart

As a visitor
When I have items in my cart
And I visit my cart
Next to each item in my cart
I see a button or link to increment the count of items I want to purchase
I cannot increment the count beyond the item's inventory size
[ ] done

User Story 17, Decreasing Item Quantity from Cart

As a visitor
When I have items in my cart
And I visit my cart
Next to each item in my cart
I see a button or link to decrement the count of items I want to purchase
If I decrement the count to 0 the item is immediately removed from my cart
[ ] done

User Story 18, Link to Checkout

As a visitor
When I have items in my cart
And I visit my cart
I see a button or link to Checkout
When I click that button, I am taken to the new order page
[ ] done

User Story 19, New Order Page

As a visitor
When I check out from my cart
On the new order page I see the details of my cart:
- the name of the item
- the merchant I'm buying this item from
- the price of the item
- my desired quantity of the item
- a subtotal (price multiplied by quantity)
- a grand total of what everything in my cart will cost
I also see a form to where I must enter my shipping information for the order:
- name
- address
- city
- state
- zip
I also see a button to 'Create Order'
[ ] done

User Story 20, Order Creation

As a visitor
When I fill out all information on the new order page
And click on 'Create Order'
An order is created and saved in the database
And I am redirected to that order's show page with the following information:
- My name and address (shipping information)
- Details of the order:
- the name of the item
- the merchant I'm buying this item from
- the price of the item
- my desired quantity of the item
- a subtotal (price multiplied by quantity)
- a grand total of what everything in my cart will cost
- the date when the order was created
[ ] done

User Story 21, Order Creation, cont.

As a visitor
From the order creation page
When I click 'Create Order' without completing the shipping address form
I see a flash message indicating that I need to complete the form for successful order creation


Visitors will have additional constraints when manipulating merchant data in the database.

[ ] done

User Story 22, Merchants with Orders cannot be Deleted

As a visitor
If a merchant has items that have been ordered
I can not delete that merchant
- there is no button visible for me to delete the merchant
- if I click on the delete button, I see a flash message indicating that the merchant can not be deleted.
[ ] done

User Story 23, Merchants with no Orders can be Deleted

As a visitor
If a merchant has items that have not been ordered
I can delete that merchant.
When that merchant is deleted
Then all of their items are deleted as well.
[ ] done

User Story 24, Flash Messages for Merchant Create and Update

As a visitor
When I am updating or creating a new merchant
If I try to submit the form with incomplete information
I see a flash message indicating which field(s) I am missing
[ ] done

User Story 25, Merchant Statistics

As a visitor
When I visit a merchant's show page
I see statistics for that merchant, including:
- count of items for that merchant
- average price of that merchant's items
- Distinct cities where my items have been ordered


Visitors will have additional constraints when manipulating item data in the database.

[ ] done

User Story 26, Deleting Items Deletes its Reviews

As a visitor
When I delete an item
All reviews associated with that item are also deleted
[ ] done

User Story 27, Items with Orders Cannot be Deleted

As a visitor
If an item has been ordered
I can not delete that item
- there is no button visible for me to delete the item
- if I click on the delete button, I see a flash message indicating that the item can not be deleted.
[ ] done

User Story 28, Flash Message for Item Create and Update

As a visitor
When I am updating or creating a new item
If I try to submit the form with incomplete information
I see a flash message indicating which field(s) I am missing


[ ] done

User Story 29, Sortable Reviews

As a visitor,
When I visit an item's show page to see their reviews,
I see additional links to sort their reviews in the following ways:
- sort reviews by highest rating, then by descending date
- sort reviews by lowest rating, then by ascending date
[ ] done

User Story 30, More Merchant Statistics

As a visitor,
When I visit an merchant's show page
I see the top 3 highest rated items for that merchant (by average rating)
[ ] done

User Story 31, Order Update and Delete

As a visitor
When I check out
I see a flash message with a randomly generated, 10 digit verification code associated with that order

I can use that verification code to search for an order through the nav bar.
If an order is found, I am redirected to a verified order page ('/verified_order')
On that verified order page, I can:
- click a link to delete the order
- update the shipping address for an order
- remove items from the order


Feature Completeness Rails ActiveRecord Testing and Debugging Styling, UI/UX
4: Exceptional All User Stories 100% complete including all sad paths and edge cases, and some extension work completed Students implement strategies not discussed in class to effectively organize code using POROs and adhere to MVC Highly effective and efficient use of ActiveRecord beyond what we've taught in class. Even .each calls will not cause additional database lookups. Very clear Test Driven Development. Test files are extremely well organized and nested. Students utilize before :each blocks. 100% coverage for features and models Extremely well styled and purposeful layout. Excellent color scheme and font usage. All other rubric categories score 3 or 4.
3: Passing Students complete all User Stories. No more than 2 Stories fail to correctly implement sad path and edge case functionality. Students use the principles of MVC and POROs vs. Models to effectively organize code. Students can defend any of their design decisions. ActiveRecord is used in a clear and effective way to read/write data using no Ruby to process data. 100% coverage for models. 98% coverage for features. Tests are well written and meaningful. Purposeful styling pattern and layout using application.html.erb. Links or buttons to reach all areas of the site.
2: Passing with Concerns Students complete all but 1 - 3 User Stories Students utilize MVC and POROs to organize code, but cannot defend some of their design decisions. Ruby is used to process data that could use ActiveRecord instead. Feature test coverage between 90% and 98%, or model test coverage below 100%, or tests are not meaningfully written or have an unclear objective. Styling is poor or incomplete. Incomplete navigation for some routes, i.e. users must manually type URLs.
1: Failing Students fail to complete 4 or more User Stories Students do not effectively organize code using MVC and/or POROs Ruby is used to process data more often than ActiveRecord Below 90% coverage for either features or models. No styling or no buttons or links to navigate the site.