
HTTP client for french e-commerce website "leboncoin.fr"

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Leboncoin.fr HTTP client

This package allows to perform requests on the french e-commerce website "leboncoin.fr". At the moment, it contains 3 simple methods for retrieve items data from the website : search(), get() and watch().


npm install leboncoin-client

Usage examples

Perform a search :

const lbc = require('leboncoin-client');

const req = {
    category: 'informatique',
    type: 'offres',
    region_or_department: 'cantal',
    sellers: 'particuliers',
    query: 'ordinateur',
    sort: 'date',
    titles_only: false,
    urgent_only: false

lbc.search(req, 1, 5) // browse pages 1 to 5
.then(function(items) {
}, function(error) {

Second search example :

const lbc = require('leboncoin-client');

const req = {
   category: 'informatique',
   city_or_postal_code: '75001'
   filters: {
       'Prix min': 400,
       'Prix max': 'Plus de 1000'

lbc.search(req) // only the first page
.then(function(items) {
}, function(error) {

Get data from a specific advertisement :

const lbc = require('leboncoin-client');

.then(function(item) {
}, function(error) {

Watch new objects from a specific category and location :

const lbc = require('leboncoin-client');

const req = {
    category: 'informatique',
    region_or_department: 'gers'

lbc.watch(req, 60, function(item) { // the request is performed every 60 seconds


search(request, minPage, maxPage)

Query a research of items specified by various criterias. Return a promise with an array of items in parameter.

Parameter Type Description Default value
request object object containing the query parameters (see request spec for more info) {}
minPage integer first page to browse 1
maxPage integer last page to browse 1


Get specific item data by its id. Return a promise with the item data in parameter.

Parameter Type Description Default value
id integer 10-digit item id required

watch(request, interval, action)

Watching loop for detect new objects added specified by various criterias. Each time a new object is spotted, the function "action" is called with its data in parameter.

Parameter Type Description Default value
request object object containing the query parameters (see request spec for more info) {}
interval integer number of seconds between each request 60
action function action to execute for process the new object data required

Request spec

Field Type Description Default value
category string category to look in (check out the parameters.json for the complete list of categories) "tous"
type string type of advertisement ("offres" or "demandes") "offres"
region_or_department string region or department of items (check out the parameters.json for the complete list of locations) "toute la France"
city_or_postal_code string city or postal code of items (return empty array if it does not exist) none
sellers string type of sellers ("tous" or "particuliers" or "professionnels" "tous"
query string matching keywords none
sort string sort criteria ("date" or "prix") "date"
titles_only boolean search only in ad titles false
urgent_only boolean search only for urgent ads false
filters: object object containing some filters depending on the category (check out the parameters.json for the complete list of filters) {}

Filters not implemented yet :

  • Car models (depending on the brand)
  • Dates ("holidays" categories)
  • Clothes sizes (depending on the gender)

Feel free to contact me for any suggestion, issue, improvement...