auto_norm V2.0.0 This script normalizes Sahidic Coptic text to standard spelling.
Usage: [options]
Options and argument:
- -h print this [h]elp message and quit
- -s use [s]ahidica Bible specific normalization rules
- -t use [t]able containing previous normalizations (first column is diplomatic text, last column is normalized)
A text file encoded in UTF-8 without BOM
Normalize a Coptic plain text file in UTF-8 encoding (without BOM):
- in_Coptic_utf8.txt > out_Coptic_normalized.txt
- -t in_Coptic_utf8.txt > out_Coptic_normalized.txt
Copyright 2013-16 Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder. The Perl program is free software. You may copy or redistribute the script under the same terms as Perl itself.
Additional material copyright 2013-16 Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder: this is free software distributed under the GNU General Public license v. 3. You are welcome to distribute it under the conditions outlined in the license.