
LogTen Pro Application Programming Interface which allows third-party applications to interact with LogTen Pro

Primary LanguageSwiftOtherNOASSERTION

LogTen Pro API

Version 2.0.2

Coradine Aviation Systems proudly presents the LogTen Pro Application Programming Interface (API) v2.0 which allows third-party applications to interact with LogTen Pro via a straight forward URL based approach using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

The LogTen Pro API v2.0 is available starting with LogTen Pro X 7.3. The 2.0.1 API is available starting with LogTen Pro 7.5.8, and is backward compatible with API v2.0.

LogTen Pro is registered to handle requests to the logten:// URI scheme. Any requests made to the logten:// scheme will be passed off to LogTen Pro for handling. The general format of the request is as follows:


NOTE: logten is the preferred scheme as of API version 2.0.2, however the legacy scheme of logtenprox remains compatible.


The package query parameter is a String containing a URL encoded JSON object, which contains two top level elements:

metadata and entities



metadata represents a JSON object, detailed below.
entities represents a JSON array of entity objects, further described below.

The package query parameter value must represent a valid JSON string. Please ensure values in the JSON are properly escaped and the JSON object passes linting checks (see https://jsonlint.com).

Additionally, because the value of the package query parameter contains JSON, it must be URL encoded such that the whole URL is valid. URL encoding, or "percent encoding" is a common practice and there are many resources available online to elaborate on the concept and techniques involved.

Coradine supplies sample code in various formats to illustrate how the URL can be properly constructed and encoded. Please visit https://github.com/Coradine/LogTenProAPI for our latest documentation and sample code.

The following is an example of a valid addEntities request:


Here's the same URL, without URL encoding:

logten://v2/addEntities?package={"entities":[{"flight_flightDate":"12/25/2010","flight_takeoffTime":"12/25/2010 15:50","flight_selectedAircraftType":"SR22","flight_to":"KSFO","flight_totalTime":"2:30","entity_name":"Flight","flight_from":"KPDX","flight_remarks":"\"Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn't be done.\" \\ Amelia Earhart"}],"metadata":{"dateAndTimeFormat":"MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm","timesAreZulu":true,"application":"MyApplication","dateFormat":"MM/dd/yyyy","version":"1.0"}}

And here, the package query parameter value is expanded:

  "entities": [{
    "flight_flightDate": "12/25/2010",
    "flight_takeoffTime": "12/25/2010 15:50",
    "flight_selectedAircraftType": "SR22",
    "flight_to": "KSFO",
    "flight_totalTime": "2:30",
    "entity_name": "Flight",
    "flight_from": "KPDX",
    "flight_remarks": "\"Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn't be done.\" \\ Amelia Earhart"
  "metadata": {
    "dateAndTimeFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm",
    "timesAreZulu": true,
    "application": "MyApplication",
    "dateFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy",
    "version": "1.0"

Please note the JSON is properly escaped. Specifically, the contents of the flight_remarks element is properly escaped such that the quotes (")and backslashes (\) are properly handled to yield valid JSON. Please see https://jsonlint.com and https://json.org for specifics on how to properly format JSON data.


The package object shall always contain a metadata dictionary. The metadata dictionary must always contain the requesting application name as well as the requesting applicationʼs version information. While not required, the inclusion of a String value for the serviceID key is encouraged to help LogTen Pro uniquely identify the requesting application, and should not change over time. Unlike the application key whose value may be presented to the user, the value supplied for the serviceID will not be user facing and should follow the common notion of a reverse DNS naming convention (see the example). Similarly, the inclusion of a String value for the serviceAccountKey key is encouraged so LogTen Pro can associate the data in the API request with the sending service's account. This key should be unique to the specific user account represented by the requesting application/service, and the value (String) is treated as an opaque unique identifier by LogTen Pro (consider a UUID style value). Please note: If a value for serviceAccountKey is supplied, then a value for serviceID must also be supplied, as these two values are used in tandem. Additionally, depending on the actual method invoked, the metadata may contain further optional parameters (see specific documentation for supported methods).


logten://v2/method?package={"metadata":{"application":"My Application", "version":"1.0", "serviceID": "com.acme.dehydrated_boulders", "serviceAccountKey": "63392ce4-d3f7-4fcf-a1fd-ee5640205568", "optionalParameter":"some_value"}, …}

Identifying Entities

IMPORTANT: each entity MUST contain the entity_name attribute and specify the entity name.

Entity Names

LogTen Pro utilizes the flight_key attribute on the Flight entity to uniquely identify flights provided from an external source. The flight_key attribute is a String value and is required to be unique for a given logbook. When a flight record is sent through the API that includes a flight_key, LogTen Pro will first attempt to locate a matching flight with that flight_key. If an addEntities or modifyEntities operation is being run and a matching Flight already exists with that flight_key, that Flight will be modified with the provided data. If a matching Flight is not found, a new entity will be created with the provided data. For removal operations, only flights with the matching flight_key will be removed. Please note: If the matching Flight is locked (flight_isLocked is set to 1), the Flight will not be modified or deleted.

Supported Methods


The addEntities method allows a third-party application to create/modify entities within the LogTen Pro logbook. When the addEntities method is invoked, LogTen Pro will ask the user if they wish to create/modify the entities from the requesting application.

The addEntities method expects the metadata dictionary (see the metadata section above) and a collection of entities.

logten://v2/addEntities?package={"metadata":{"application":"My App", "version":"1.0", ...}, "entities":[{entity1 info...}, {entity2 info...}, …]}


The addEntities method allows the following optional parameters in the metadata dictionary:

  • dateFormat - The dateFormat parameter specifies how date values should be parsed when they are passed in as String values. The date format string uses the format patterns recognized by the Cocoa NSDateFormatter class (e.g. "MM/dd/yyyy").
  • dateAndTimeFormat - The dateAndTimeFormat parameter specifies how date values should be parsed when they are passed in as String values. The date and time format string uses the format patterns recognized by the Cocoa NSDateFormatter class (i.e. "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm").
  • timesAreZulu - The timesAreZulu parameter specifies whether any passed in String time values are in Zulu time or should be converted to local time based on the time zone of the departure or arrival airports. Valid values for the timesAreZulu parameter are true or false. If this parameter is not supplied, the default value is true.
  • shouldApplyAutoFillTimes - The shouldApplyAutoFillTimes parameter specifies whether LogTen Pro should apply the users configured auto fill times (any time field within LogTen Pro set to Auto fill) to any flight entities that are created. This would include the auto calculation of night times. Valid values for the shouldApplyAutoFillTimes parameter are true or false. If this parameter is not supplied, the default value is false.
  • addCrewUsingID - The addCrewUsingID parameter specifies whether LogTen Pro should add any new crew members found in the import by setting their ID field to the value from the import. Valid values for the addCrewUsingID parameter are true or false. If this parameter is not supplied, the default value is false (LogTen Pro will assume the value is the crew member's name).


The entities collection shall contain the attributes for each entity to be created/modified.

LogTen Pro will first attempt to locate a Flight in the logbook matching the given flight_key (if any). If a matching Flight is found, that Flight will be updated with the provided attributes. If a matching Flight is not found, a new Flight will be created. Any of the valid LogTen Pro attributes are available for use (see the Appendix for the current, complete list of relevant attributes).

When creating Flight entities, the addEntities method will allow flight time values to be supplied as either the decimal number of hours (i.e. 1.5), the number of hours and minutes separated by a colon (i.e. "1:30") or the number of hours and minutes separated by a plus sign (i.e. "1+30").

The addEntities method will allow date values to be supplied as either a String value that matches the dateFormat parameter supplied in the metadata or as the number of seconds from the unix epoch (this value can be returned using the NSDate timeIntervalSince1970 method in Cocoa).

The addEntities method will allow date/time values to be to be supplied as either a String value that matches the dateAndTimeFormat parameter supplied in the metadata or as the number of seconds from the unix epoch (this value can be returned using the NSDate timeIntervalSince1970 method in Cocoa).

The timesAreZulu parameter is only applicable to date/time values that are passed in as Strings. When handling local times, the addEntities method will first attempt to obtain the time zone for the applicable to or from place (depending on the attribute being set). If there is no corresponding place or it does not have a time zone associated with it, the addEntities method will attempt to use the default timezone set for LogTen Pro. If there is no default timezone configured, the addEntities method will use GMT (Zulu).

Advanced Options

Attributes that contain the _selected keyword denote convenience methods for accessing/creating related objects. When you set flight_selectedAircraftType to "SR22", LogTen Pro will first try to find an aircraft type with that Type designator, if one is found it is automatically set at the Flight entities flight_aircraftType, if not, a new Type is created and set. In general this is the simplest way to set data, and is all you need.


The modifyEntities method allows a third-party application to create, modify and remove flights created by the same application within the LogTen Pro logbook. When the modifyEntities method is invoked, LogTen Pro will ask the user if they wish to create/modify and remove the flights from the requesting application.

The modifyEntities method expects the metadata dictionary (see the metadata section above), a collection of flights to create/modify (entities) and collection of flights to remove (removeEntities). The modifyEntities method requires both collections to be present, however it is valid to send empty collections.

logten://v2/modifyEntities?package={"metadata":{"application":"My App", "version":"1.0", ...}, "entities":[{flight1 info...}, {flight2 info...}, ...], "removeEntities":[{flight1 flight_key}, {flight2 flight_key}, ...]}


The modifyEntities method allows these optional parameters in the metadata dictionary:

  • dateFormat - The dateFormat parameter specifies how date values should be parsed when they are passed in as String values. The date format string uses the format patterns recognized by the Cocoa NSDateFormatter class (e.g. "MM/dd/yyyy").
  • dateAndTimeFormat - The dateAndTimeFormat parameter specifies how date values should be parsed when they are passed in as String values. The date and time format string uses the format patterns recognized by the Cocoa NSDateFormatter class (i.e. "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm").
  • timesAreZulu - The timesAreZulu parameter specifies whether any passed in String time values are in Zulu time or should be converted to local time based on the time zone of the departure or arrival airports. Valid values for the timesAreZulu parameter are true or false. If this parameter is not supplied, the default value is true.
  • shouldApplyAutoFillTimes - The shouldApplyAutoFillTimes parameter specifies whether LogTen Pro should apply the users configured auto fill times to any flight entities that are created. This would include the auto calculation of night times. Valid values for the shouldApplyAutoFillTimes parameter are true or false. If this parameter is not supplied, the default value is false.
  • addCrewUsingID - The addCrewUsingID parameter specifies whether LogTen Pro should add any new crew members found in the import by setting their ID field to the value from the import. Valid values for the addCrewUsingID parameter are true or false. If this parameter is not supplied, the default value is false (LogTen Pro will assume the value is the crew member's name).


The entities collection shall contain the attributes for each entity to be created/modified. Only Flight entities, and only those with an associated flight_key, can be modified.

LogTen Pro will first attempt to locate a Flight in the logbook matching the given flight_key (if any). If a matching Flight is found, that Flight will be updated with the provided attributes. If a matching Flight is not found, a new Flight will be created. Any of the valid LogTen Pro attributes are available for use (see the Appendix for the current, complete list of relevant attributes).

When creating Flight entities, the modifyEntities method will allow flight time values to be supplied as either the decimal number of hours (i.e. 1.5), the number of hours and minutes separated by a colon (i.e. "1:30") or the number of hours and minutes separated by a plus sign (i.e. "1+30").

The modifyEntities method will allow date values to be supplied as either a String value that matches the dateFormat parameter supplied in the metadata or as the number of seconds from the unix epoch (this value can be returned using the NSDate timeIntervalSince1970 method in Cocoa).

The modifyEntities method will allow date/time values to be to be supplied as either a String value that matches the dateAndTimeFormat parameter supplied in the metadata or as the number of seconds from the unix epoch (this value can be returned using the NSDate timeIntervalSince1970 method in Cocoa).

The timesAreZulu parameter is only applicable to date/time values that are passed in as Strings. When handling local times, the modifyEntities method will first attempt to obtain the time zone for the applicable to or from place (depending on the attribute being set). If there is no corresponding place or it does not have a time zone associated with it, the modifyEntities method will attempt to use the default timezone set for LogTen Pro. If there is no default timezone configured, the modifyEntities method will use GMT (Zulu).


The removeEntities collection shall contain the flight_key for each Flight to be removed.

The following is an example of a modifyEntities request (prior to encoding):

logten://v2/modifyEntities?package={"metadata":{"application":"My Application","version":"1.0","dateFormat":"MM/dd/yyyy","dateAndTimeFormat":"MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm","timesAreZulu":true},"entities":[{"entity_name":"Flight","flight_key":"myAppFlight_101","flight_flightDate":"12/25/2010","flight_to":"KPIT","flight_from":"KPJC","flight_pic":"1:30","flight_takeoffTime":"12/25/2010 15:50"}],"removeEntities":[{"entity_name":"Flight","flight_key":"myAppFlight_102"},{"entity_name":"Flight","flight_key":"myAppFlight_103"}]}


  "entities": [
      "flight_pic": "1:30", 
      "flight_takeoffTime": "12/25/2010 15:50", 
      "entity_name": "Flight", 
      "flight_flightDate": "12/25/2010", 
      "flight_from": "KPJC", 
      "flight_to": "KPIT", 
      "flight_key": "myAppFlight_101"
  "removeEntities": [
      "flight_key": "myAppFlight_102", 
      "entity_name": "Flight"
      "flight_key": "myAppFlight_103", 
      "entity_name": "Flight"
  "metadata": {...}


Flight Attributes

Key Data Type Notes
flight_actualArrivalTime Date
flight_actualDepartureTime Date
flight_actualInstrument Integer 32
flight_aeroTows Integer 32
flight_arrests Integer 32
flight_autolands Integer 32
flight_bolters Integer 32
flight_catapults Integer 32
flight_catII Integer 32
flight_catIII Integer 32
flight_cloudbase Integer 32
flight_commandPractice Integer 32
flight_crossCountry Integer 32
flight_crossCountryNight Integer 32
flight_customCapacity1 Boolean
flight_customCapacity2 Boolean
flight_customCapacity3 Boolean
flight_customCapacity4 Boolean
flight_customCapacity5 Boolean
flight_customCapacity6 Boolean
flight_customCapacity7 Boolean
flight_customCapacity8 Boolean
flight_customCapacity9 Boolean
flight_customCapacity10 Boolean
flight_customCapacity11 Boolean
flight_customCapacity12 Boolean
flight_customCapacity13 Boolean
flight_customCapacity14 Boolean
flight_customCapacity15 Boolean
flight_customCapacity16 Boolean
flight_customCapacity17 Boolean
flight_customCapacity18 Boolean
flight_customCapacity19 Boolean
flight_customCapacity20 Boolean
flight_customLanding1 Integer 32
flight_customLanding2 Integer 32
flight_customLanding3 Integer 32
flight_customLanding4 Integer 32
flight_customLanding5 Integer 32
flight_customLanding6 Integer 32
flight_customLanding7 Integer 32
flight_customLanding8 Integer 32
flight_customLanding9 Integer 32
flight_customLanding10 Integer 32
flight_customNote1 String
flight_customNote2 String
flight_customNote3 String
flight_customNote4 String
flight_customNote5 String
flight_customNote6 String
flight_customNote7 String
flight_customNote8 String
flight_customNote9 String
flight_customNote10 String
flight_customOp1 Integer 32
flight_customOp2 Integer 32
flight_customOp3 Integer 32
flight_customOp4 Integer 32
flight_customOp5 Integer 32
flight_customOp6 Integer 32
flight_customOp7 Integer 32
flight_customOp8 Integer 32
flight_customOp9 Integer 32
flight_customOp10 Integer 32
flight_customOp11 Integer 32
flight_customOp12 Integer 32
flight_customOp13 Integer 32
flight_customOp14 Integer 32
flight_customOp15 Integer 32
flight_customOp16 Integer 32
flight_customOp17 Integer 32
flight_customOp18 Integer 32
flight_customOp19 Integer 32
flight_customOp20 Integer 32
flight_customTakeoff1 Integer 32
flight_customTakeoff2 Integer 32
flight_customTakeoff3 Integer 32
flight_customTakeoff4 Integer 32
flight_customTakeoff5 Integer 32
flight_customTakeoff6 Integer 32
flight_customTakeoff7 Integer 32
flight_customTakeoff8 Integer 32
flight_customTakeoff9 Integer 32
flight_customTakeoff10 Integer 32
flight_customTime1 Integer 32
flight_customTime2 Integer 32
flight_customTime3 Integer 32
flight_customTime4 Integer 32
flight_customTime5 Integer 32
flight_customTime6 Integer 32
flight_customTime7 Integer 32
flight_customTime8 Integer 32
flight_customTime9 Integer 32
flight_customTime10 Integer 32
flight_customTime11 Integer 32
flight_customTime12 Integer 32
flight_customTime13 Integer 32
flight_customTime14 Integer 32
flight_customTime15 Integer 32
flight_customTime16 Integer 32
flight_customTime17 Integer 32
flight_customTime18 Integer 32
flight_customTime19 Integer 32
flight_customTime20 Integer 32
flight_dayLandings Integer 32
flight_dayTakeoffs Integer 32
flight_distance Float Normally auto calculated by LT
flight_dualGiven Integer 32
flight_dualReceived Integer 32
flight_dualReceivedNight Integer 32
flight_duration Integer 32 "Air Time" normally calcuated automatically from Off to On
flight_dutyTimePayRate Float
flight_expenses Float
flight_faaPart61 Boolean
flight_faaPart91 Boolean
flight_faaPart121 Boolean
flight_faaPart135 Boolean
flight_far1 Boolean
flight_fcls Integer 32 A Field Carrier Landing
flight_flagged Boolean A Flagged flight in LT will show red on the Mac
flight_flightDate Date
flight_flightDutyEndTime Date
flight_flightDutyStartTime Date
flight_flightDutyTotal Integer 32
flight_flightEngineer Integer 32
flight_flightEngineerCapacity Boolean
flight_flightNumber String
flight_flightTimePayRate Float
flight_from String
flight_fuelAdded Double
flight_fuelBurned Double
flight_fuelMinimumForDiversion Double
flight_fuelRemaining Double
flight_fuelTotalAboard Double
flight_fuelTotalBeforeUplift Double
flight_fuelUplift Double
flight_fullStops Integer 32
flight_goArounds Integer 32
flight_ground Integer 32
flight_groundLaunches Integer 32
flight_hobbsStart Float
flight_hobbsStop Float
flight_holds Integer 32
flight_ifr Integer 32 Usually denotes time flown under an IFR flight plan.
flight_ifrCapacity Boolean
flight_instrumentProficiencyCheck Boolean
flight_key String
flight_landingCapacity Boolean
flight_landingTime Date
flight_leg Integer 32 Used to order flights on the same date.
flight_legCount Integer 32 Used if a single flight entity contains multiple legs.
flight_multiPilot Integer 32
flight_night Integer 32
flight_nightLandings Integer 32
flight_nightTakeoffs Integer 32
flight_nightVisionGoggle Integer 32
flight_nightVisionGoggleLandings Integer 32
flight_nightVisionGoggleTakeoffs Integer 32
flight_offDutyTime Date
flight_onDutyTime Date
flight_p1us Integer 32
flight_p1usNight Integer 32
flight_paxCount Integer 16
flight_paxCountBusiness Integer 16
flight_payload Double
flight_pic Integer 32
flight_picCapacity Boolean
flight_picNight Integer 32
flight_pilotCount Integer 16
flight_pilotFlyingCapacity Boolean
flight_poweredLaunches Integer 32
flight_relief Integer 32
flight_reliefCrewCapacity Boolean
flight_reliefNight Integer 32
flight_remarks String
flight_rest Integer 32
flight_review Boolean
flight_route String
flight_scheduledArrivalTime Date
flight_scheduledDepartureTime Date
flight_scheduledTimePayRate Float
flight_scheduledTotalTime Integer 32
flight_sectionName String
flight_selectedAircraftClass String Will autopopulate if the flight_selectedAircraftType is sent as an ICAO type.
flight_selectedAircraftID String The aircraft ID will create an entry on the "Aircraft" page unless this aircraft ID already exists.
flight_selectedAircraftType String The type of the aircraft. The preferred string is the exact ICAO code of this aircraft type. An entry on the "Types" page of LT will be created unless this type already exists.
flight_selectedApproach1 String
flight_selectedApproach2 String
flight_selectedApproach3 String
flight_selectedApproach4 String
flight_selectedApproach5 String
flight_selectedApproach6 String
flight_selectedApproach7 String
flight_selectedApproach8 String
flight_selectedApproach9 String
flight_selectedApproach10 String
flight_selectedCategory String
flight_selectedCrewCommander String
flight_selectedCrewCustom1 String
flight_selectedCrewCustom2 String
flight_selectedCrewCustom3 String
flight_selectedCrewCustom4 String
flight_selectedCrewCustom5 String
flight_selectedCrewCustom6 String
flight_selectedCrewCustom7 String
flight_selectedCrewCustom8 String
flight_selectedCrewCustom9 String
flight_selectedCrewCustom10 String
flight_selectedCrewFlightAttendant String
flight_selectedCrewFlightAttendant2 String
flight_selectedCrewFlightAttendant3 String
flight_selectedCrewFlightAttendant4 String
flight_selectedCrewFlightEngineer String
flight_selectedCrewInstructor String
flight_selectedCrewObserver String
flight_selectedCrewObserver2 String
flight_selectedCrewPIC String
flight_selectedCrewPurser String
flight_selectedCrewRelief String
flight_selectedCrewRelief2 String
flight_selectedCrewRelief3 String
flight_selectedCrewRelief4 String
flight_selectedCrewSIC String
flight_selectedCrewStudent String
flight_selectedEngineType String Will autopopulate if the flight_selectedAircraftType is sent as an ICAO type code.
flight_selectedMake String Will autopopulate if the flight_selectedAircraftType is sent as an ICAO type code.
flight_selectedModel String Will autopopulate if the flight_selectedAircraftType is sent as an ICAO type code.
flight_sfi Integer 32 Simulator Flight Instructor
flight_shipboardLandings Integer 32
flight_shipboardTakeoffs Integer 32
flight_sic Integer 32
flight_sicCapacity Boolean
flight_sicNight Integer 32
flight_simulatedInstrument Integer 32
flight_simulator Integer 32
flight_sky String
flight_solo Integer 32
flight_tachStart Float
flight_tachStop Float
flight_takeoffTime Date
flight_taxiInTime Date
flight_taxiOutTime Date
flight_to String
flight_totalDutyTime Integer 32
flight_totalEarned Float
flight_totalLandings Integer 32 Normally not sent as this is not a user accessible field. The preferred fields are flight_nightLandings and flight_dayLandings which will autopopulate this field.
flight_totalPushTime Integer 32
flight_totalTakeoffs Integer 32
flight_totalTime Integer 32
flight_touchAndGoes Integer 32
flight_type Integer 32 *See below.
flight_underSupervisionCapacity Boolean
flight_useCode String
flight_visibility Float
flight_waterLandings Integer 32
flight_waterTakeoffs Integer 32
flight_weather String
flight_windDirection Integer 16
flight_windVelocity Integer 16

*flight_type is used to determine the type of the flight entity:

"Flight"			= 0,
"Positioning"		= 1,
"Non Flying"		= 2,
"Simulator"			= 3,
"Airport Reserve"	= 4,
"Airport Standby"	= 5,
"Home Reserve"		= 6,
"Home Standby"		= 7

Note: For any time field, if no night times are sent then it is assumed that the times are all "day". If flight_night is sent with the entity then the individual night times for other fields (PIC, XC, Dual, etc.) will auto fill. In most cases there isn't a need to send the individual night times.

Aircraft Attributes

If specific aircraft attributes must be set then a seperate payload can be sent setting the attributes of the Aircraft. As an example, if an aircraft must be set as complex then the following payload can be sent:


Available attributes include:

Key Data Type Notes
aircraft_aerobatic Boolean
aircraft_aircraftID String
aircraft_autoEngine String
aircraft_complex String
aircraft_customAttribute1 Boolean
aircraft_customAttribute2 Boolean
aircraft_customAttribute3 Boolean
aircraft_customAttribute4 Boolean
aircraft_customAttribute5 Boolean
aircraft_customText1 String
aircraft_customText2 String
aircraft_customText3 String
aircraft_customText4 String
aircraft_customText5 String
aircraft_customText6 String
aircraft_customText7 String
aircraft_customText8 String
aircraft_efis Boolean
aircraft_enginePower Integer
aircraft_experimental Boolean
aircraft_fuelInjection Boolean
aircraft_highPerformance Boolean
aircraft_hobbs Float
aircraft_instrumentType String
aircraft_military Boolean
aircraft_notes String
aircraft_paxCapacity Integer
aircraft_pressurized Boolean
aircraft_radialEngine Boolean
aircraft_secondaryID String
aircraft_serialNumber String
aircraft_simAuthNumber String
aircraft_simLevel String
aircraft_tachometer Float
aircraft_tailwheel Boolean
aircraft_technicallyAdvanced Boolean
aircraft_turboCharged Boolean
aircraft_undercarriageAmphib Boolean
aircraft_undercarriageFloats Boolean
aircraft_undercarriageRetractable Boolean
aircraft_undercarriageSkids Boolean
aircraft_undercarriageSkis Boolean
aircraft_warbird Boolean
aircraft_weight Float
aircraft_wheelConfiguration String
aircraft_year Date

Document Revision History

Date Notes
2020-04-17 Added details about proper JSON formatting and parameter encoding. Added reference links.
2020-04-23 Converted to Markdown
2022-09-01 Added flight field details, including flight type integers and other miscellaneous notes. Added Aircraft entity type.

Creative Commons License
LogTen Pro API by Coradine Aviation Systems is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at https://github.com/Coradine/LogTenProAPI

This document is written in GFM