
code to count coral spawn (eggs)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Code to count coral spawn (eggs), run on central computer.


  • install CVAT locally: https://opencv.github.io/cvat/docs/administration/basics/installation/#ubuntu-1804-x86_64amd64

  • run make_cslics_venv.sh

  • conda activate cslics

  • navigate to coral_spawn_counter folder

  • pip install -e . installs as a python package locally so other modules can use this code

  • Will also want to install machine-toolbox (0.5.4)

  • NOTE, currently using old code and code in these files does NOT work with updated machine-toolbox

  • git clone https://github.com/petercorke/machinevision-toolbox-python.git

  • cd machinevision-toolbox-python

  • pip install -e .


  • conda activate cslics to activate virtual environment
  • Open cvat by going to http://localhost:8080 in Google Chrome (cvat only works in Google Chrome)
  • Create project/tasks by creating spawn annotation/label and uploading the relevant images
  • Once uploaded to cvat, export the dataset as a .zip file in cvat annotation format (should have annotations.xml file)


  • Assisted annotation via Hough Transforms for circular objects in the image, run python sphere_annotations.py, which should take existing annotations.xml file and append all circles as bounding boxes for each image
  • Save new .xml file as a zip and re-upload to cvat (overwriting previos annotations)
  • Check/view/modify annotations in cvat, download when annotations are ready for training

Data locations

Detector fail cases (blank images) /home/java/Java/data/cslics_failurecases - 275 images currently, more can be sourced 2023 Dec Alor Tank4 cslics01 and 2023 Dec Alor tank3 cslics06 in /home/java/Java/data other cslic runs are also on the SSD card /media/java/cslics_ssd All cslics runs are in Rstore smb://rstore.qut.edu.au/projects/sef/marine_robotics/dorian/rrap/cslics

Current best ultralytics model /home/java/Java/ultralytics/runs/detect/train - aten_alor_2000/weights/best.pt trained on 2000 images of aten and alor cslics