
This is just a repository for my messy mashup of dotfiles that I've either wrote myself or snagged from other people. Do with it what you like :]

Primary LanguageLua

2022-01-28-155101_2560x1080_scrot 2022-02-02-205056_2560x1080_scrot 2022-02-13-234741_2560x1080_scrot 2022-03-06-155214_2560x1080_scrot


This is just a repository for my messy mashup of dotfiles that I've either wrote myself or snagged from other people. Do with it what you like :]

These dotfiles are made with the intention of being easy on the eyes while still being colorful and keyboard-driven.


You're going to need kitty, rofi, picom-git, scrot nm-applet, pa-applet-git, ttf-jetbrains-mono, ttf-font-awesome, ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols, and lain-git for these dotfiles to work as intended. Optionally, I do recommend having a matching gruvbox gtk theme to pair with these dotfiles.

Also, if you'd like to use the custom zsh theme, you will need oh-my-zsh installed.


Added a new theme called, "Ditto"

Added the APW audio widget due to finding it less buggy than my previous one.

(Older change) Added a battery widget which can be added by uncommenting it near the bottom of the theme.lua for any of the themes