👾Principle programmer on the EDGE engine w/ @ChillyWillyGuru 👾 Co-founder of Isotope SoftWorks.
Isotope SoftWorks (@3dfxdev )Visalia, California
Corbachu's Following
- ag10yen
- amber8706
- andrewj
- andwj
- BenMcLeanKansas City, MO
- camgunzDen Haag, NL
- catchusleepin
- cMatsoPolska
- codicoscepticoseduki Interactive
- Damocles0451
- damountie
- darkknight
- DartPowerDartPower Team
- dashodanger
- DavidPH
- dpjudas
- fgsfdsfgs
- fraggletCambridge, MA
- fuel-pcbox
- Gamerfiend
- haroldo-ok
- Hypnotoad90
- ioan-chera
- Jayextee
- jewalky
- jmtd@RedHatOfficial
- LunaTheFoxgirl@KitsunebiGames
- madame-rachelle
- mod-san@Shenmue-Mods
- NancyLi1013
- nazakomu
- Nightshades1Visual Studio
- reactos
- RinnegatamanteMaximum Entertainment
- siziousFrance
- skmpAthens, Greece