
Install crystal

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT



The github repository is just a mirror of https://gitlab.com/CorbanR/ansible-crystal please submit all issues and merge requests to gitlab.

Role to install crystal-lang. This role offers two installation methods.

  1. Via apt or yum repositories
  2. Pre-compiled binaries from crystals github releases


Ansible >= 9.0 Ansible-Core >= 2.16

Role Variables

This role supports multiple installation methods. Installation types are repository or standalone
crystal_install_method: repository

# See defaults/main.yml for additional calculated variables that may be overriden
# Latest or present
crystal_state: present
# Only applies to (Debian/Ubuntu)
crystal_install_recommends: true
# Options are stable, unstable, nightly 
crystal_channel: stable
# Options are true, false
crystal_remove_old_repositories: true

You can specify the apt/deb, or yum/rpm package version by setting crystal_version_repository_override
Example: crystal_version_repository_override: crystal={{crystal_version}}-{{crystal_revision}} to specify the apt/deb package version.

When standalone installation type, specify crystal version, platform, arch, release, and checksum of tar.gz.
see the crystal release page for more information. The standalone installation type creates two symlinks, /usr/local/bin/crystal and /usr/local/bin/crystal-{{ crystal_version }}

crystal_version: 1.12.1
crystal_revision: 1
crystal_platform: "{{ ansible_system | lower | default('linux') }}"
crystal_arch: "{{ ansible_architecture | default('x86_64') }}"
crystal_release: "crystal-{{ crystal_version }}-{{ crystal_revision }}-{{ crystal_platform }}-{{ crystal_arch }}"
crystal_checksum: "sha256:596d2ba9269b6f394d9e2298b0fa14c3fafd4733ed02847cfa496eeeb6a070e3"

Optionally install additional packages required to compile crystal code.
crystal_build_deps: false


$ansible-galaxy install CorbanR.crystal

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
     - { role: CorbanR.crystal, crystal_install_method: repository, crystal_build_deps: true }

Running Tests

The easiest way to get an environment that can run tests is to

  1. Have docker installed
  2. Create a python virtualenv
  3. Install dependencies via pip install -r molecule/requirements.txt
  4. Run molecule test

If you have nix installed you can run nix-shell, or nix develop(if using flakes). Once you are in a nix shell run pip install -r molecule/requirements.txt



Author Information

Corban Raun