
Assignments and projects at my 2-month internship at Nagarro. I went above and beyond my assigned work and implemented new features and nice-to-have to the apps. Some of the projects:

A responsive modern to-do list web app that supports speech-to-text, reorder tasks, edit & mark-as-done support and local storage on the fly. Inspired by minimalism. Reordering is supported by SortableJS. Web Speech API is used to implement speech-to-text feature. jQuery was used to build the rest.

An aesthetically-pleaseing calculator with keyboard input and theme feature.

An HRMS CRUD application. Fetches data from Heroku Postgres database. User can Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) employee details. Backend build using Express and PostgreSQL. Frontend build wiht ejs and styled with Bootstrap. Used PostgreSQL extension on VScode to query the Heroku Postgres database. The project enabled me to explore following concepts: async/await, Express, Routing (path and query parameters), RESTful API, PostgreSQL, Git, templating engine (ejs).

E‑commerce website which supports viewing products list, adding items to cart, updating quantity and payment with Stripe. HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node.js, MySQL, EJS, Express, Node.js, localStorage and Stripe.