
What the project does

This project is a liri bot. Just like Siri, you type in an artist, movie or a bands in town event. You cannot use your voice to search like siri, instead, you will type your request into to terminal. Once you search, you will get back the data you have requested printed to the terminal.

This project is useful for anyone who would like to get data from a search, find an event, find a song (and watch the video), get movie data.

To get started, there are four commands to search in the terminal. First command is "liri.js node spotify-this-song + song" which will give you data from your song. The data you will get back is the song, artist, video etc. Second, you can type in node liri.js "concert-this + the band" and will output the date and times of the concerts. Third command, you will enter in node liri.js "movie-this + movie" and you will get back info about the movie. Last, type in node liri.js "do-what-it-says" which will output the text from random.txt and run the spotify-this-song with the data