
(DEPRECATED) 2 way bot integrating discord with Factorio chat

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Take a look at, its actully getting updated. https://github.com/AGuyNamedJens/FactorioChatBot


Bi-Directional chat bot integrating Discord and Factorio Chat written in nodejs.


  1. A factorio server with RCON enabled
  2. Ability to host the bridge locally on the same machine as the game server. (might be able to do remotely, but you're on your own if you do)
  3. Latest release of the bridge https://github.com/Corbris/FactorioChatBot/releases
  4. Latest release of the Factorio Mod https://mods.factorio.com/mod/PSiChatUtil

Setting RCON

The Factorio server must have RCON enabled. Add the launch flags to enable RCON. (A starter .bat can be found here > https://pastebin.com/pBUpDXA9 )

Launch Flags:

--rcon-port Port to use for RCON

--rcon-password Password for RCON


Configuration files bot_auth.json and config.json found in the FactorioChatBot root MUST be edited.

bot_auth.json Set Discord Bot Token https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/

config.json set ChatLog.log Directory Path (Generated after typing to chat on server with PSiChatUtil mod installed). You should only need to replace with the useraccount for the user hosting the server. Note : It's important to have double slashes!! Example : "C:\\Users\\\\AppData\\Roaming\\Factorio\\script-output\\ChatLog.log"

set PlayerLog.log (Same process as above)

set webHook URL (discord server webhook) https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks

set channelListen with your discord channel ID to listen on https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/206346498-Where-can-I-find-my-User-Server-Message-ID-

set RconIP (Should remain for localhost)

set RconPort (Same port you set in your server launch params)

set RconPassword (Same pass you set in your server launch params)

set debugLogs preference. This WILL chew up space, only turn on when debugging.

DiscordNames.json (optional) set discord ids to a name. This is uesd so when you @ someone in discord it shows that users set name and not ID.


Factorio Utility mod that exploits the write_file function to retrieve messages from in-game-chat. This mod is required on both server and client. https://mods.factorio.com/mod/PSiChatUtil

Running the bridge

Simply launch FactorioChatBot-win.exe

--To run as a service--

Install NSSM https://nssm.cc/

Type "nssm" in a command prompt

Follow the example https://i.imgur.com/IArHoeW.png

Running Source (For Development) : Dependencies

Install NodeJS https://nodejs.org/en/

To verify node is installed open an elevated cmd prompt and do "node -v" the node version should be returned

Navigate in the cmd prompt to the folder you have the FactorioChatBot (cd)

Run the following commands within that directory

npm install

node FactorioChatBot.js