
Extract the content of a DynamoDB table into JSON output

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

AWS DynamoDB extract

This application will extract the content of a DynamoDB table into JSON output.

By default the program use the configuration and credentials provided by your ~/.aws/ files (come with aws-cli install).

If you don't have aws-cli setup, you can update config.json with your AWS credentials and region.


npm install


typically, to use you'd run:

npm run extract -- -t your_dynamo_table_name -f output.json

Use -d to describe the table prior so you can have an idea of the number of rows you are going to export

npm run extract -- -t your_dynamo_table_name -d

to get some information about the table.

Full syntax is:


	-h, --help               output usage information
	-V, --version            output the version number
	-t, --table [tablename]  table you want to output
	-e, --endpoint [url]     Endpoint URL, can be used to dump from local DynamoDB
	-f, --file [file]        Name of the file to be created
	-d, --describe
	-p, --profile [profile]  Use profile from your credentials file
	-ec --envcreds           Load AWS Credentials using AWS Credential Provider Chain