
A fully functional Web Server written in C++

Primary LanguageC++


🗣️ Scope of the project

The goal of this project is to create a Web Server using the HTTP protocol.

It's main features include :

-> treatment of GET, POST and DELETE http requests
-> kernel queue for requests
-> HTTP compliant response status codes (404, 503, etc...)
-> compatibility with Google Chrome and other mainstream Web Browsers
-> CGI for dymanic websites written in PHP.
-> NGINX-like configuration file that handles features such as multiple servers and maximum body size
-> upload of files

Please refers to the subject PDF for more information.

💿 Compilation and Usage

Compile everything with the make command - compatible with Linux & MacOS.

You can run the program by using the command ./webserv <path_to_your_config_file> and see that it's working by going to http://CONFIG_HOST:CONFIG_PORT/ in your browser.

Note that the www folder contains some test websites you can use.

🗑️ Deletion

Use the Makefile rules. Write make fclean to delete the executable and the object files and make clean to remove only the object files.

💻 Testing

One requirement for this project is that Webserv needs to handle with success many requests in the same time. We tested it with siege, and ended up with a rate of avaliability superior to 99,5% when flooding the server with GET requests.

✅ Validation

This project has been validated with a mark of 100/100.