
RISECamp Tutorials

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

RISECamp Tutorials


If you're already familiar with Docker and Jupyter, here's the high-order bits:

  • Derive your Docker image from jupyter/base-notebook.
  • Consult the hello-world directory for an example.
  • Submit a pull request that adds your tutorial as a subdirectory to this repository.

Getting Started

How to run the hello-world example:

  1. Install Docker: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/

  2. Build the hello-world image:

    $ docker build hello-world/
  3. You will see output similar to the following. Take note of the Docker image ID printed at the end, in this case 21a65a239ed6.

     $ docker build hello-world/
     Sending build context to Docker daemon  6.656kB
     Step 1/2 : FROM jupyter/pyspark-notebook
      ---> 93262f647bcc
     Step 2/2 : COPY Hello-World.ipynb /home/$NB_USER
      ---> Using cache
      ---> 21a65a239ed6
     Successfully built 21a65a239ed6
  4. Use the ID from the previous step to launch the container:

    $ docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 21a65a239ed6
  5. Open the URL output by the container, which looks something like:

  6. You'll see a Jupyter instance with a "Hello-World" notebook in it. The Dockerfile in this example derives from jupyter/pyspark-notebook, which ultimately derives from jupyter/base-notebook.

Adding a new tutorial:

Create a new subdirectory within this repository, following the examples provided by the hello-world and pyspark-notebook containers.

Any background setup required by your project (e.g. libraries, daemons, etc) should be performed in the Dockerfile (see jupyter/pyspark-notebook for a good example). All instructional content should live in the Jupyter notebook.