
A Javascript module for Node.js to connect Disconf service.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A Javascript module for Node.js to connect Disconf service.


You can install it using npm:

$ npm install node-disconf-client


var os = require('os');
var path = require('path');
var disconf = require('node-disconf-client');
// 可以配合config模块使用
var config = require('config');

var configDir = config.util.getEnv('NODE_CONFIG_DIR');
    // 配置disconf的本地配置文件路径
    path: configDir,
    filename: 'disconf.properties'
}, {
    // 配置远程下载的配置保存哪个文件(所有配置聚合后的文件)
    // 这里以 hostname 命名,使能被 config 模块读取
    dist_file: path.join(configDir, os.hostname() + '.properties'),
    // 配置远程下载的配置保存哪个目录(配置源文件)
    user_define_download_dir: path.join(configDir, 'download')

// 错误事件
disconf.on('error', function (err) {
    console.log('error:', err.stack);

// 准备事件,此时重新加载config模块,使配置生效
disconf.on('ready', function (data) {
    console.log('ready:', data);
    var conf = disconf.util.reloadConfig();
    console.log('conf:', conf);

// 配置在远程被修改,此时重新加载config模块,使配置生效
disconf.on('change', function (event, data) {
    console.log('change:', event.name, data);
    var conf = disconf.util.reloadConfig();
    console.log('conf:', conf);


init(file[, option[, callback]])

This is the only external interface that executes instance initialization. The argument file can set the directory and file name of the option file, that can configure the client itself. The argument option can set option manually. Its priority is higher than the file. Part of option with the same name is same as the Java client. You can refer Java Disconf-Client.


  • file {Object} - The file of the option. Currently available options are:

    • path {String} - The directory path of option file.
    • filename {String} - The name of option file, defaults to disconf.properties.
  • option {Object} - The client's own configuration file. Currently available options are:

    • dist_file: {String} - 获取的配置写入的目标文件路径.
    • conf_file_name: {String} - 需要远程获取的配置文件,用逗号分隔,例如: demo.properties,system.properties
    • conf_item_name: {String} - 需要远程获取的配置项,用逗号分隔,例如: test,demo

    以下配置同 java 客户端一致:

    • enable: {remote: {conf: true}}: {Boolean} - 是否使用远程配置文件,true(默认)会从远程获取配置 false则直接获取本地配置
    • conf_server_host: {String} - 配置服务器的 HOST,用逗号分隔,
    • app: {String} - APP,请采用 产品线_服务名 格式
    • version: {String} - 版本,请采用 X_X_X_X 格式
    • env: {String} - 部署环境
    • debug: {Boolean} - 调试
    • ignore: {String} - 忽略哪些分布式配置,用逗号分隔
    • conf_server_url_retry_times: {Number} - 获取远程配置 重试次数,默认是3次
    • conf_server_url_retry_sleep_seconds: {Number} - 获取远程配置 重试时休眠时间,默认是5秒
    • user_define_download_dir: {String} - 用户定义的下载文件夹, 远程文件下载后会放在这里。注意,此文件夹必须有有权限,否则无法下载到这里
  • callback(err, zk) {Function} - The callback function.


var disconf = require('node-disconf-client');
    path: './config',
    filename: 'disconf.properties'
}, {
    dist_file: './config/remote.properties',
    user_define_download_dir: './config/download'),
    conf_item_name: 'demo',
    conf_server_host: '',
    app: 'DEFAULT_APP',
    version: 'DEFAULT_VERSION',
    env: 'DEFAULT_ENV',


Optionally, you can register watcher functions after calling init methods.


After the first time to downloaded all remote configuration, this event will be emit. It will return the data that contains all the configuration.


  • data {Object} - All the configuration.


disconf.on('ready', function (data) {
    console.log('ready:', data);


At any time when remote configuration changes, this event will be emit. It will return the event and the data that contains all the configuration.


  • event {Event} - It is a event instance form node-zookeeper-client.
  • data {Object} - All the configuration after the update.


disconf.on('change', function (event, data) {
    console.log('change:', event.name, data);


At any time when a error appears, this event will be emit.


  • err {Error} - Any possible error.


disconf.on('error', function (err) {
    console.log('error:', err.stack);


It provides utility tools include in util.


This function can reload the config module, make the changes of the configuration files to take effect. The function returns the config instance. But you can still perform again require to get the config instance.

Before using this function you must have installed the config module. Such as like the following:

$ npm install config


var disconf = require('node-disconf-client');
var conf = disconf.util.reloadConfig();

Todo list

  • 启动时从disconf服务远程获取配置并写入配置文件,建议以config模块要求的规则命名{full_hostname}.EXT
  • 监控zookeeper节点,实时将远程配置文件修改同步到本地磁盘文件,提供远程配置修改事件供外部监听
  • 建立临时zookeeper节点,上传配置至远程服务器进行校验
  • 只在磁盘上更新配置文件,不修改config模块加载的内容,需要另外重新加载config模块以更新磁盘上配置文件的修改
  • 可在pm2启动时监听配置文件夹,配置文件被修改时重启服务。以实现远程修改配置文件,服务自动重启

Change List

  • disconf 配置文件增加.jsjson后缀类型文件支持,值类型为列表的配置项同时支持json数组和以,逗号分隔的字符串
  • 修改 disconf 配置文件的配置优先级大于初始化时指定的配置


Licensed under the MIT license.