
Python library to scrape images from the Flickr website.

Primary LanguagePython


A Python library for scraping images from the Flickr website using BeautifulSoup, and then uploading them to S3/a Postgres database.


Run the following from the root folder of the project to install the package.

pip install -e .

To utilize the S3/RDS utilities, relevant environment variables must be set in your virtual environment. They are listed below:

DB_USER = ""
DB_HOST = ""
DB_PORT = ""
DB_NAME = ""



Three main classes make up the bulk of the functionality.

FlickrImage - Python class for holding scraped images.

FlickrImageManager - Manager class used to upload FlickrImage objects to an S3 bucket/Postgres database.

FlickrScraper - This class contains the logic for parsing images from the Flickr website, returning the list of scraped images as FlickrImage objects.

Scraping Images

from flickrscraper import FlickrScraper, FlickrImage

scraper = FlickrScraper()

images = scraper.scrape(query="paris", num_pages=10, num_cores=5)

[FlickrImage(flickr_id='50929661533', flickr_user_id='73422502@N08', flickr_url='https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50929661533_c47487ffd5_w.jpg', s3_url='https://flickr-scraper.s3.amazonaws.com/50929661533.jpeg', latitude=48.867477, longitude=2.329444), FlickrImage(flickr_id='50863024613', flickr_user_id='73422502@N08', flickr_url='https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50863024613_e441f5c4fe_w.jpg', s3_url='https://flickr-scraper.s3.amazonaws.com/50863024613.jpeg', latitude=48.861666, longitude=2.289166),...]

Uploading to S3

# Upload each image to S3 and update it to contain its S3 url
images = FlickrImage.manager.upload_to_s3(images)

# Upload the images to the RDS database

Running Tests

To run all tests, use the following command from the root of the project:

python flickrscraper/tests.py