
This repo contains the data, scripts, and results from the SemEval 2019 Sentimix Spanglish challenge.

Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains the data, scripts, and results from the SemEval 2019/2020 Sentimix Spanglish challenge.

Sentiment Analysis on Code-Mixed Tweets

The challenge deals with the problem of identifying the sentiment of a set of 'Spanglish' tweets, where both English and Spanish are used in a single tweet. Misspellings, new words, mixed grammar, and the short length of tweets make this task difficult, and currently prevailing methods of using pre-trained contextual word embeddings may not be as effective. Vocabulary and embedding sizes will have to be large to accommodate both languages, and the odds of running into an out-of-vocabulary word are very high.

We have ran experiments using one-hot encoded character embeddings and concatenated Spanish + English word embeddings.

Spanish + English Word Embeddings 3 CNN layers, Max Pooling, 2 Dense Layers for classification

Precision Recall F1
0.61 0.3348 0.4323

One-Hot Encoded Character Embeddings 1 CNN layer, Max Pooling, 2 Dense Layers for classification

Precision Recall F1
0.42 0.56 0.41


Corey Sutphin - Preprocessing scripts, model utilizing Spanish word embeddings, English word embeddings, and then the two concatenated on each other. Cove Soyars - Preprocessing scripts, bash script, model using one-hot encoded character embeddings with a CNN. Nick Rodriguez - Preprocessing scripts, BiLSTM model