- Log Aggregation Platform
- An orchestration framework (Corfu Universe Framework)
- Integration tests for CorfuDB
- Benchmarks
Log aggregation, search, analysis, and data visualization in real-time. Built on top of ELK stack and Docker.
Managing Corfu cluster on various development environments like Docker, VSphere, Local Environment.
- A set of integration tests that use Corfu Universe Framework and cover various database testing scenarios.
- A set of compatibility tests that deploy a 3-node Corfu server cluster with different versions and test their backward compatibility. Documentation
The benchmark module is built on top of Java MicroBenchmark Harness and the Universe framework. JMH Samples https://hg.openjdk.java.net/code-tools/jmh/file/tip/jmh-samples/src/main/java/org/openjdk/jmh/samples/
It provides tools to create and run a corfu cluster on different environments (VM, DOCKER, PROCESSES) and measure performance characteristics of the cluster by running different benchmarks.